Spain February 2023

For February Break in 2023, I travelled to Barcelona Spain. One of my best friends and I spent the week there, taking in the beautiful sights and making a day trip to Zaragosa. The first group of pictures are from La Sagrada Familia (the Sacred Family), a huge cathedral designed by Anton Gaudi. It was never finished in his lifetime, and it is still under construction. When the sun shines through the stained glass windows, the whole church is lit up in beautiful colors.

Below are a bunch of random shots. I love taking pictures of buildings and streets that I find interesting. 

On Wednesday, we took the train to a city called Zaragoza. When I was a baby, my family moved to Zaragoza because my dad was stationed at an Air Force base there. I don't remember it from that time, so it was really cool to visit and see it as an adult. We went to an old Arabic fortress, Aljaferia, and to a major cathedral. At the train station, I bought Risketos--they're just like Cheetos!