GCPS Learns Anywhere Canvas Resource

A Resource for Students, Parents, Families and Caregivers

Thank you for visiting our site. It is a work in progress and will be updated continuously as we work through the on-boarding process.

What is Canvas?

Canvas is a learning management system which is a robust, online e-learning platform that provides educators a way to create and deliver content through lessons and materials to students. GCPS chose Canvas for many reasons, one of the most essential being that it is supported by the VDOE through Virtual Virginia, a program our division has used for initial credit for courses in summer school for years now. Virtual Virginia’s quality of Virginia SOL aligned-materials and support system for staff and students is a familiar resource to some at this point and their new focus on expanding those same quality features to all K-12 grades made the choice an easy one for selecting the right LMS for GCPS.

Canvas is both a communication tool and an instructional platform.

Implementing a learning management system such as Canvas unites the school community. It maintains consistency for GCPS through commonly named features and components that all instructors, students, and families quickly learn and put into practice. Canvas is supported and accessible on a variety of devices and allows for quality learning facilitated by professional educators, whether in a hybrid, blended learning environment or a fully remote experience.

Canvas for Parents

Teachers, students and parents all have access to Canvas. Web & App access gives us the ability to stay connected as a school community.

Fostering Interactions

Canvas is also our virtual classroom where independent learning tasks are assigned and collected, just as they are within the classroom on a typical school day. This allows synchronous learning blocks to focus on answering questions, extending skills and knowledge that are available in the course.

Teachers and students can now use the inbox to communicate in addition to virtual meetings. Parents and students are able to view announcements, assignments, grades, and teacher feedback.

Discussions will also be utilized within courses to build the classroom community between peers and instructors.

Family Friendly

As we continue to train and explore within this LMS, we are also developing guidelines for implementation that will promote consistency of usage and format; eliminating any confusion for all users from teachers to students to families. These guidelines will remain constant no matter the depth our use of virtual instruction must be throughout this year and beyond. Canvas offers us an opportunity to enhance learning for all our students in any environment.

Contact Us

We hope that you find this resource helpful. In the event that you need help troubleshooting, feel free to reach out to your student's teacher first.

If it is a Canvas issue, please contact them via the Help button on the Global Navigation bar.

If you need assistance with another application or a device, please reach out to your student's teacher or school first. There are also resources posted on the GCPS webpage and under Helpful Links.

Resources:Images from Pixels