Balanced Calendar Exploration

Gloucester County Public Schools

Update: July 12, 2022

At its July 12 regular meeting, the School Board received an update that GCPS would not apply for the first round of state implementation funds (i.e., "start-up grant") for SY23. As a result, the exploration committee will continue its work to determine potential next steps in the exploration process, including sharing additional feedback/recommendations for future calendar opportunities with the School Board at a later time.

Our Goal

Our goal is to explore the value and feasibility of adopting a non-traditional (“balanced”) calendar and provide a summary recommendation to the School Board in Spring 2022, which may include consideration for possible calendar implementation in SY23-24.

At the present time, no future calendar decisions have been made.

Your feedback and questions are important!

A balanced calendar is a fresh way of re-structuring the traditional school calendar. Shorter instructional breaks are observed throughout the year to include holidays and intersession opportunities.

Exploratory committee membership consists of GCPS teachers, community engagement coordinators, school counselors, library media specialists, instructional technology resource teachers, instructional specialists, assistant principals, principals, coordinators, an assistant superintendent, and parents. We are also enlisting input from members of the community through sub-committee meetings and conducting school site visits to see if a balanced school calendar would benefit not only GCPS, but Gloucester County.

This site will be updated regularly as our exploration continues. We invite you check back often!