Grundy Area Ag Department

Harvest 2020!

Thank you to Trevor McIntire for assisting students in the harvesting of the plot!

GAVC FFA Newsletter.pdf



Be sure to read through our Fall Newsletter!

October Chapter Meeting

October 29th, 5:30 pm

GAVC Land Lab

Park in the CCMS Parking Lot

Program Overview

Welcome to the Grundy Area Ag Department! Our program is through the Grundy Area Vocational Center, however we are housed at the Coal City High School.

Students spend their time at the Ag Land Lab and the classroom. Areas of focus are animal science, plant science, ag business and career planning.

The Land Lab is located at 690 Carbon Hill Rd, in Coal City, directly beside the Coal City Middle School.

At the Land Lab, students are able to keep and work on projects that represent their career interests. So far, we have a 15 acre plot, flower garden, vegetable garden, fruit tree nursery, pumpkin, gourd and specialty crop patch, laying hens, dairy calves, meat and show rabbits, carpentry projects, electrical projects and many, many more.