Services Offered

Students at this school are smart and capable learners that are prepared academically for their future career endeavors. All students are provided with the opportunity for growth and self-development through the comprehensive school counseling program created specifically for the needs of these students. 

With the assistance of the school counselor, students will be able to confidentially meet academic, career, and personal/social needs through...

Individual Counseling

One-on-one sessions with students to address any issues that disrupt academic, career, or personal/social development can be scheduled. We work with students to help them through things that may be troubling them. We uplift students and let them know that there is always someone that is there for them at school.

Small groups: *TBD*

Groups will be formed throughout the school year and will meet during the school day as common needs are expressed by students, teachers, and parents. Groups may also be formed from commonalities we notice between students. Once a group is formed and begins to meet, it will then become a closed group, meaning that no new students will be able to join in order to protect the privacy of students and to form a healthy group counseling process. 

Classroom Presentations

We visit different classrooms to present to students.  We discuss character education, mental wellness, coping skills, academic strategies for success, and career / college exploration.   

Crisis Counseling

We assist in addressing any crises that occur at the school and with individual students. We are aware of the school's crisis plan, and are prepared to help implement it when crises events occur. If a student needs individual crisis counseling, one-on-one sessions can be made by contacting us!


We are the community liaisons! If the services your student or your family needs are outside of my scope of practice, we will work with you to connect you to the resources and services that you need. If you do not know where to start, start with us!