As in the past, the information contained here will support your start up. Please take time to read the information carefully and ask the office staff, administration, your Department Head or colleagues for any assistance or clarification if needed.

Staff Playbook

Please note that the information in this memo is the information that we believe to be pertinent for staff to be reminded of at the start of each school year. More comprehensive information is available on the Staff Playbook. The website is dynamic and will be updated frequently.

Professional Learning 

This year our professional learning structure will align align with priorities for student achievement and well-being  and the School Improvement Plan (SIP). Our focus will continue to emphasize Anti- Black Racism and Anti- Oppressive pedagogy, as well as Indigenous Learning, Equity and Inclusion. In addition, we will continue with our emphasis on Asssessment and Evaluation, Mentorship and Mental Health and Wellbeing for staff and students. Our SIP for this coming year will be derived from The Trustees Multi-Year Plan and the Directors Action Plan.  

Time and school resources will be allocated to support these goals in addition to learning and sharing during our STT meetings and PD Days. Opportunity to further this work and develop your own leadership is possible through your participation in a variety of different committees that further our SIP. 

BCSS Staff

Welcome back to our Staff! Here our BCSS Staff (will be updated) that has staff names and photos.

Positive Climate for Learning and The First Two Weeks

Student Attendance

No Shows/Start-up Procedures 

Teachers must be very careful when marking their attendance, particularly the first two days. If a student is not present, mark them absent in Teach-Assist until the first day they arrive to your class. This will ensure that the student remains ‘inactive’ until they attend. If one teacher accidentally does not mark a student absence, the student becomes active in our tracking system, which is problematic. Please be careful!

Student Logins and Passwords 

Classroom Procedures



Class Lists 

Schedule/Bells (see new school schedule below) 



Special Education

Student Success 

Guidance – Timetable Changes

Concussions and Other Injuries

Assessment, Evaluation and Communication

Food/Drinks in Class


The procedure for plagiarism is outlined in the Student Handbook


Dress Code/Uniforms

Egregious Classroom behaviour


Students are expected to be in uniform in all areas of the school at all times.


Staff Professional Attire

Teacher Absences


Field Trips 

Health and Safety


Email Communications

Prayer Room

Club Proposal Procedure


Guide to the School Year