General Information

History, Motto, Vision

Frequently Asked Questions

BCSS Staff Roles and Responsibilities

BCSS Values (2022-2023)

BCSS Ready To Learn (2022-2023)

BCSS School Focus

Social Media Guidelines for Schools

Social Media Guidelines for Staff 

School Operations

Admin Roles and Responsibilities (2022-2023)

Course Outline with Links for Assessment and Evaluation Forms (2022-2023)

Character Matters

Daily Schedule

Floor Map 1 & 2

Floor Map 3 & 4

Footwear Guide

Telephone Guide

Voicemail Guide


Alternative Education Programming Process



Sporting Events

Extended Absence Illness

Policies and Procedures

Board Policies: Caring and Safe Schools 

Policy and Procedure #668.0, Caring and Safe Schools Procedure #668.1, Student Suspensions Procedure #668.2, Student Expulsions Procedure #668.3, Inappropriate Behaviour and Bullying Prevention and Intervention Procedure #668.4, Violence Threat Risk Assessment Procedure #668.5, Student Progressive Discipline Procedure #668.6, Emergency Preparedness Procedure #668.7, Code of Student Conduct Procedure #668.8, Safe Welcome Program: Elementary Schools Procedure #668.9, Lockdown, School Sites Procedure #668.10, Hold-and-Secure, School Sites Procedure #668.11, Fire Planning and Drills, School Sites

Field Trips

Policy #642.0, Field Trips Procedure #642.1, Field Trips: One Day Procedure #642.2, Field Trips: Two to Five Days Procedure #642.3, Field Trips: Beyond Five Days Procedure #642.4, Field Trips: Overnight Sporting Events

Warm Weather and Casual Attire

Assessment Policy

Policy and Procedure #305.0, Assessment Evaluation and Communication of Student Learning and Achievement Procedure #305.1, Timely Completion and Submission of Assignments for Evaluation, Grades 7-12 Procedure #305.2, Academic Honesty, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Procedure #305.3, Reporting Marks Below 50 Per Cent, Grades 9-12