
Students are asked to hand-deliver Community Hours Sheets in person to the Guidance office. If you have an email signature from an employer, please print that and attach it to your form (still signed by you and Guardian, which can be downloaded here or picked up in Guidance).

IMPORTANT: Guidance will not collect more than 40 Hours of Community Service. Once you have submitted 40 Hours, we encourage you to continue your volunteer work, and share these experiences on your personal resume.

Google Classrooms

Access Volunteer opportunity postings under CLASSWORK within your Grade-specific Guidance's Google Classroom:

Grade 9/10 Google Classroom

Grade 11/12 Google Classroom

105 Gibson Centre

Orientation, bi-weekly meetings and Volunteer Experiences

Volunteer Form Sample.pdf

Sample Completed Form


Blank Form

Print, complete necessary information, ensure Supervisor signature, student and parent (if under 18) signature.

Copies are also available in Guidance with a Carbon Copy attached, so that students can keep track of their submissions.


YRDSB Volunteer Guide

We always recommend that students check with Guidance if they are unsure if Hours will be accepted. All volunteer work is useful towards career exploration, and excellent on a resume, but only not-for-profit organizations are accepted towards your 40 Graduation Hours.

How the heck do I fill this in??

IMPORTANT Information regarding Volunteer Hours for the 2022/2023 School Year

As per the Ministry of Education Announcement...

The community involvement graduation requirement has been restored to 40 hours of community involvement activities for students graduating in the 2022-23 school year. The ministry has permitted the flexible measures for attaining volunteer hours to be available for the 2022-23 school year for all students. At the principal’s discretion, students could earn hours during the time allotted for the instructional program on a school day, and through duties normally performed in the home. This can include helping an elderly relative with an errand or a sibling with homework. Additionally, students could count a maximum of 10 hours from paid employment for students aged 14 years and older. These flexible measures will continue to be available for the 2022-23 school year for all students.


Students in Grades 9-12:

The following changes have been put in place to help you to gain hours during these different times:

  • You are allowed to submit community service hours obtained during the school day, however, you must not miss classes to perform community hours.

  • You can submit duties performed at home that go above and beyond normal chores (i.e. walking younger siblings to school, assisting an older relative with shopping, or other helping activities especially helpful in this time of COVID). A maximum of 20 hours is allowed for household duties - this applies to Hours completed last year AND this school year. A parent or other adult relative can sign to verify completion of these hours. (If you are unsure about what is deemed 'above and beyond "normal"', please email one of us)

  • If you are 14 years of age or older and have been working for pay during the pandemic, you may submit up to 10 hours for this work. A workplace supervisor must sign these hours and you must attach a written reflection answering the following question: How has your paid work made a positive difference for people in your community? (4 - 6 sentences)

  • Students who completed Hours at a FOR-Profit organization, will be given the above accommodation of 10 hours for this work, as a Covid accommodation.

Please contact any of us in Guidance if you have further questions.