Applying Outside of Ontario/Canada

Ontario secondary school students, applying to any of the listed Canadian universities outside of Ontario, can authorize the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) to transfer their academic data to the listed out-of-province university.

The applicant must sign the release authorization and record the OUAC Reference Number on the out-of-province university application form as applicable. McGill, Concordia University, Bishop's University, Dalhousie University, U.B.C., Simon Fraser and University of Victoria access OUAC information IF the OUAC # is included on the application form to that university.

Use the following links to explore universities in Canada, outside of Ontario:

  • The Universities Canada website has as list of all Canadian universities..

  • The Student Life Expo takes place in late September and features a number of out-of-province universities.


If you are applying to an out-of-province university, you are responsible for the application AND sending the academic transcript.

Application deadlines are not the same - check carefully - they are often earlier. If the university does not access academic information through OUAC, it is your responsibility to send a transcript. Transcripts for out-of-province University and scholarship applications must be ordered from the Guidance Secretary 3 days before you need to send them out.

Many students applying to American universities require a COMMON APPLICATION - it is critical to start this process with a Guidance Counsellor as early into your Grade 12 year as possible. For most Common Apps, Guidance is required to rank you in relation to your graduating class, and identify the level of difficulty of your courses. Be aware of deadlines and communicate with your counsellor often.

American Universities

  • There is no equivalent of the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) for American universities, so each university requires a separate application, and/or you can apply online to hundreds of schools through the College Board website

  • Always check that your American university is fully "accredited" (Does it offers degrees that are recognized both in the United States and internationally - Canada?).

  • Credits from two-year American colleges may not be transferable.

  • The ACT (American College Testing) assessment, or "A-C-T" as it is commonly called, is a national admission examination that is required by many American colleges and universities. Check the admissions section on your university's website to see if the ACTs are an admissions requirement. You should also check to see if the university prefers ACT or SAT.

  • The SAT Assessment, or "S-A-T" as it is commonly called, is the other national admission examination that is required by many American colleges and universities. The SAT includes:

      • Writing Section: Students answer multiple choice questions and write a short essay and that demonstrates how well they use standard written English.

      • Math Section: Multiple choice and student-generated responses. Problems will cover concepts in arithmetic, geometry and algebra. Scientific or graphic calculators are permitted.

      • Critical Reading Section: Passages with related questions and sentence completions that demonstrate critical reading.

      • Scores: The new SAT has three scores, each on a scale of 200-800. The SAT writing score is completely new and will include an essay subscore and a multiple choice subscore. In the writing section, the essay raw score counts for about 30% and the multiple choice for about 70%.

      • Cost: 47 USD. SAT Subject tests cost 21 USD. Waivers for students from low-income families can be provided.

      • Free Preparation Resources from the College Board can be downloaded from the website. There are also other resources available for purchase.

  • My Pathway Planner has a guide on studying in the United States.

  • The College Board has a Find a College feature that may help you to explore and narrow your choices. This website also allows you to register online or by mail for the SAT. Markville's MIDENT # is 924841

  • Google maintains a list of American Universities.

  • National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has information about Athletics.

  • Go Abroad Fair