NO COLT WALKS ALONE: Words of Wisdom & Support

Chris Rajkumar, Class of 2019

Class Valedictorian

McGill University

Make Opportunities

My biggest piece of advice is to get involved and invest into your school. This could look like making meaningful relationships with your teachers, playing on school teams or joining clubs and activities. If you do not make any club or team, don’t be discouraged! Instead, remember that there is an opportunity waiting for you. In grade 9 I applied for BCLC (student council) and I did not get in, I also tried out for field hockey and didn’t make it, but I kept getting involved and trying new things and I ended up getting on council as well as joining a lot of other clubs and teams that have developed me into the person I am today! Put yourself out there, go make mistakes, go fail and go learn. BCSS is such a unique and wonderful school, so take advantage of all the opportunities you have to make a difference and to impact your school. As a grade 9 you may feel like you can not do much, but I encourage you to go out and try everything you can because when you do, you will realize that you are capable of more than you ever thought you could do. 

Aidan Walker, Class of 2019

University of Waterloo, Mechatronics Engineering

Plan for Success

Being successful in life, not only in school comes with setting priorities and having a schedule that you will stick to. It is easy to get distracted by the things around us, as us teenagers are always a few clicks and scrolls away from seeing tons of things online. My highest quality work always came when I was able to get in the zone. Understand that there's always time to relax once you get all your work done. Telling yourself, "I am going to work for 50 minutes and then have a 10 minute break", or something along the lines of that is a great way to get your mind into the zone. Don't take this to the extreme though, the break portion counter-intuitively is critical to your success, you need to allow your brain some time to relax, don't burn yourself out. If you are trying to juggle too many things at once, like doing a project, studying for a test, and checking your phone every five minutes, you're never going to get anything done. So, manage your time very effectively, and if you want to get something done, put all your effort into that one thing, then move onto knocking the next task off your to do list. By doing this, I was able to manage my time much more effectively, and also produce higher quality work. Especially for the athletes out there, time management is of the upmost importance. Another thing that will help one succeed is to stop procrastinating, no one is perfect at this, I know I am not. It's really easy to put things off and say "I'll do this later", but the truth is, the sooner you get it done, the sooner that weight will be lifted off your shoulders. It's really hard to not procrastinate, but personally when I didn't procrastinate, I felt so much better. This ties back into my last point about taking things one at a time, if you do things as they are handed out, you can put all your effort into that one thing, and not have to juggle so many things at once. In conclusion, the best way to be successful is to manage your time effectively, reduce distractions while working, and stop procrastinating.

Aaliyah Scott, Class of 2019

REX Soccer Player

West Virginia University, D1 Soccer Team

Balance is the Key

My name is Aaliyah Scott and I attended Bill Crothers for the 2018/2019 school year. It was my final year of high school and I made a great choice to move there! Given the busy soccer schedule that I had, it was so important to be at a school that could accommodate my needs as an athlete. It is very hard to do poorly at this school because of the resources provided such as ILIP and HPA, which I had. But it was my responsibility to use them wisely. At times in the year, especially when I was feeling more fatigued and stressed, it was easy to take these resources for granted because rest would be on my mind. Though, I had to remind myself in those times that what I had at this school was nothing I have ever experienced before in high school. Overall, I had a fantastic year and I maintained good grades. My advice for any athlete returning or that is about to enter BCSS, is to really take advantage of HPA and especially ILIP because they will help to manage your time and excel your grades especially when you have late night practices! These resources aren’t like any other school I’ve been to and I’ve been to many! Enjoy it and explore all the programs, as you will not get these years back! Thank you BCSS!

Kristin Papaconstantinou, Class of 2019

BCLC Co-President

Challenge Yourself

Like anything, stepping out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself in what you thought you were previously capable of is something that is critical  in augmenting your experience at BCSS. Before I stepped up and pushed myself into leadership roles in the Bill Crothers leadership council I was not previously outspoken. Finding something like student council opened my eyes to my ability to push myself. To run and become president allowed me to fully maximize my BCSS experience. The best way to make the most out of your experience is to step up and get involved. Once I got involved and challenged myself I truly enjoyed my BCSS experience and took everything I was involved in as a learning opportunity. Likewise, these learning opportunities that I have encountered over the past four years will assist me in my future endeavours as I move forward as a student-athlete.  I believe the most valuable thing to take into your experiences at BCSS is the will and drive to learn and challenge yourself because when you challenge yourself and step up, great opportunities will always follow. 

Aliya Izumi, Class of 2019

Governor General's Award

U of T Book Award

University of Toronto, Life Sciences & Psychology

Be Grateful

Bill Crothers is an incredibly diverse environment with so many different people to meet and experiences to enjoy. Being a Colt is a privilege; you were chosen to be here and uphold this title, so make the most of it! Everyday you get to walk into a building full of opportunities and teachers who care about your success. I suggest showing that you’re invested in your education early on, because your teachers will recognize this and be more eager to reciprocate this investment in you. Also, take advantage of ILIP! It is an hour a day to visit your teachers for extra help and formative feedback - one of the largest differentiators and contributors to success at BCSS. Lastly, be kind to, and acknowledge everyone. Smile at your classmates, thank the caretakers in the halls, and say good morning to your teachers when you come to class. Respect and be grateful for these teachers because not only are they passing down knowledge to you, but they’re also the ones who will write references for you, provide you with guidance, or supervise any clubs you want to start. It’s important to establish these relationships early on and build your family within the school. Overall, you really do get out what you put in, which is very exciting given how much potential awaits you as a Colt!

Jade Safos, Class of 2019

Schulich, BBA Program

Relationships are Key

Bill Crothers Secondary School offers plenty of resources to its students to assist them in achieving success in all aspects of life. I was successful because I fully utilized them. ILIP is underrated at BCSS as many students do not realize how much work can be done and how much help they can receive. I was part of many sports teams and clubs, and thus I missed quite a bit of class time due to competitions. ILIP allowed me to catch up and receive one on one time with my teachers. Teachers are another great tool that I especially went to for help when I was unclear about certain topics and for guidance on my assignments. This played a major role in my academic success, as I maintained a ninety plus average throughout my four years. I was also successful in my athletics as the coaches/teachers on the teams I was on knew the students’ strengths and weaknesses, which allowed them to tailor practices to each student-athlete while developing the team. My success at BCSS has allowed me to pursue my post-secondary education at Schulich in the BBA program.

Emma Irwin, Class of 2019

Brock University, Women's Varsity Hockey

Get Involved!

Bill Crothers allows athletes to learn and achieve to the greatest of their ability. My name is Emma Irwin and throughout my four years at Crothers I was able to develop essential skills that allowed me to excel both in athletics and academics. Coming into Crothers I played only competitive hockey. By the end I had participated in field hockey, hockey, track and field, badminton, and basketball. Academically I always had a heavy schedule filled with science and math courses. For student athletes starting their journey at Bill Crothers, I cannot stress enough the importance of balancing school and sports. Time management is one of the most important skills to master. Using ILIP well to get work done was essential for my success and I strongly recommend using it wisely. Managing and scheduling studying, practices, and workout is fundamental as well. A good work ethic is another essential skill. Being able to put in the work and choose priorities will lead any student athlete to success. On another note, my biggest piece of advice is to participate in as many sports or clubs as you possibly can while at Bill Crothers. They teach you so many valuable life skills you simply cannot learn in a classroom. Next year I will be studying medical sciences at Brock University while participating on their varsity women’s hockey team. I look forward to this next chapter and am confident in my ability to succeed as a student athlete thanks to my four years here at Bill Crothers.

Gautam Sood, Class of 2019

BCLC Co-President

University of Waterloo

Shine in your own way

I came to Bill Crothers knowing no one and trust me it was scary. An entirely new world full of new people and I didn't know a single one. This frightened me for some time but I quickly realized that by getting out there and becoming a part of clubs and activities was the best way for me to meet new people and build relationships. Trust me I know its scary putting yourself out there but with an environment as great as Crothers everyone is on your team and wants you to succeed. With great tools and facilities such as guidance and the scoreboard I knew about the upcoming clubs and events and was able to join in on all the fun. I played rugby, golf, football, and was even on student council and by getting out there I made so many new friends who will stay with me for the rest of my life. Crothers isn't about fitting in, it's about shining in your own way and the best way to do that is to use the resources around you to make yourself into a better individual with the confidence that you coaches/teachers are very invested in your success. 

Meaghan Phillips, Class of 2019

Quinnipiac University, Women's Soccer

Organize for Success

To be a successful student athlete at Bill Crothers, it was very crucial to make use of my Ilip and study time for homework and projects during the school time, so that I was able to focus on my athletics when I got home. Ilip was a great resource for me for working on homework, however it also allowed me to mentally relax, giving me a break through the day to talk to my friends and destress from any prior classes or events, before going back to completing my work. I felt I was more productive with the opportunity to take a little break from my work, and could relax and refocus. Learning how to manage your time as a student athlete is very important because most days, I was playing school sports after school, and was leaving right after to get home and go back out to my personal athletics. I did not have much time to complete homework at home, and learned how to properly use my time at school, to allow me to prepare and focus on my soccer at home, relieving stress about finishing my work on time. I am attending Quinnipiac University this coming fall for soccer, and learning how to manage my school work and athletics in high school, is a skill that will greatly help me throughout my university experience, as I know I am going to be busy, but this skill will also be crucial later on in my life when I get into the workforce.

Ali Khaleghi, Class of 2019

Carleton University, Journalism

Don't wait. Get Involved.

My name is Ali Khaleghi and I am a graduate of the class of 2019 at Bill Crothers Secondary School. To say that I thoroughly enjoyed my high school experience would be an understatement, but with the benefit of hindsight, I realize that my time at Crothers could have shockingly been even better. Bill Crothers offers a multitude of community environments to take part in, many of which I only became aware of/involved in during my junior and senior years. Through involving myself in Badminton, Rugby, Student Council, and other community opportunities, a culminating effect was a high school experience that felt prosperous. I had the opportunity to cultivate meaningful relationships and make life during and outside of school so much more fun. Thus my primary advice for anyone looking to make the most of their 4 years at Bill Crothers would be to get involved early on and unlike myself, make the freshman and sophomore years count too. Don’t get me wrong, those years were still very positive, but for the optimal Bill Crothers experience, I strongly recommend immersing yourself in various extra-curricular activities right away, and Crothers will quickly feel like home.