Procedures & Forms
School Start-Up Forms
Dear Parents/Guardians,
At the start of each school year, schools share with families a package of information about the school. Please ensure you review this important information. Families are also encouraged to review the online Guide to the School Year.
We also ask families to complete some important forms. These forms are now available online. Please complete and submit these online School Start-Up Forms through your child’s YRDSB Google account. Translations are available.
You can access your child's YRDSB Google account via a web browser. For best results, use a computer rather than a mobile phone.
The username is your child's YRDSB Student Number. Your child will receive their login information from the school at the start of the year. If you or your child do not know the password to log in to their Google account, please contact your child's teacher or the school office.
Frequently asked questions and additional information on how to complete the forms are available on the Board website under Family Resources (click on the “Need Help” link for Family Start-Up Forms.
It is important that these forms are completed as soon as possible at the start of the school year. There are both mandatory and optional forms. The forms are to be completed for all students. Your child's school will access the information.
Please complete a separate form for each child attending our schools. Secondary school students will also be asked to review important school and Board policies and to indicate that they have reviewed this information on forms sent to their student GAPPS account.
If you prefer to complete the forms on paper or have questions about the information in the forms, please contact your school office.
Thank you.
Please fill out the appropriate form for your upcoming absence:
Please email if your child will be absent.
If the student will be away for 3 or more days please fill out the appropriate extended absence form, have the appropriate teachers sign it and then submit for the VP to sign.

Extended Absence - Recreational Camp/Vacation

Extended Absence -Sports Training/Competition

Extended Absence - Surgery
Procedures/FAQ's for 2023-2024
Students may purchase a parking pass for the year. Please note the following guidelines before submitting your schoolcashonline fee and getting parent permission:
Bill Crothers Secondary School assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to your vehicle or its contents. Parking tags do not guarantee parking spots, particularly on special days at BCSS. On heavy traffic days, alternative parking may have to be sought off-site.
Failure to follow these rules may result in the vehicle being towed or ticketed at the owners’ expense and will result in loss of parking privileges at BCSS.
Display the parking tag visibly in the vehicle (on front dash or hang from rear view mirror);
Park in the assigned location;
Drive safely on school or adjacent property under the required speed limit of 15 km/hour;
Respect the learning privileges of other Bill Crothers students;
No sitting in the vehicle with the sound system turned on loudly, no smoking in the vehicle…etc.;
Refrain from transporting other students without parental permission;
Comply with municipal and provincial traffic laws and practices e.g. seatbelts, idling; and
Park vehicle in student-designated areas only (last two rows closest to train tracks).
Board Busing: (rural areas that are not York Region Transit (YRT) such as Georgina, Keswick, Sutton, Pefferlaw, Schomberg, Nobleton and Mt Albert)
Please visit or contact the York Region Student Transportation Services School Bus Information Line at 1-877-330-3001, accessible 24 hours a day to review.
Parent Paid Buses: Areas serviced by York Region Transit (YRT) do not qualify for a board bus. Please contact the facilitators below if you are interested in this type of transportation.
York Region Area:
Durham Region: Durham Region Bus Information
Students new to BCSS for the 2024- 25 school year - please complete the sport declaration form between August 12 and August 31, 2024
Inclement Weather Day Procedures
Please Read the letter for details on our procedures on Inclement Weather Days for 2021-2022: Inclement Weather Day Letter