General Questions

Can non-UWCSEA Dover students sign up?

Phase 1 sign up is currently open to only UWCSEA Dover Students. 

Incoming UWCSEA Dover, UWCSEA East and non-UWCSEA Students are able to sign up (register their interest). Places will be given once allocation has been made for UWCSEA Dover Students.

How many activities can a student sign up for in one week?

Students can select:

Students can select up to 5 options in order of preference per week online during the sign up duration. We encourage you to select alternative preferences in order to have the best chance of being allocated.

Does the school provide any sibling discount?

There will be no sibling discount.

Can the fees be prorated?

Unfortunately, we are not able to prorate the fees for our Holiday Activities Programme. 

What is the refund policy?

In the event that the Holiday Activities Programme should be required to close, participants will be refunded for the activities not attended. 

If you need to withdraw due to illness/injury, we will follow the school refund policy.  If you miss 2 or more days, a refund is provided. However, you need to inform us prior to the programme starting or once the injury/illness has occurred instead of after the programme ends. We also require a medical certificate.

We are unable to offer a refund due to travel commitments or change of mind.

Refer to this table for the full refund policy.

What were the factors that are considered when designing the Holiday Activity Programme content?

Staffing (we are using teachers, full time sports coaches and external instructors who have previously worked with our UWCSEA students and that have received the necessary vetting and training)

The key content focus has also been to provide students access to a variety and multitude of Activities. Activities of a practical, active and social nature form the backbone of the Programme.

Registration questions

What should I do if my child has signed up for various activities but did not get allocated to any?

If your child did not get allocated to any of their selected activities, please reach out to us at and we will look into the matter.  

I missed the sign up deadline, can I still register my child?

You will not be able to register for the initial allocation phase. After allocation and payment date lines have passed, we will share the available activities that you can register for during Phase 2 Clearing. If you are non UWCSEA Dover, please use the NON UWCSEA link.

How are allocations being done?

Allocations are done by Preference Selections and not first come first serve.  Every effort will be made to ensure an equitable distribution based on demand.

How can I ensure that my children get allocated to activities at the same time as their siblings to minimise multiple drop offs and pick ups throughout the day?

Unfortunately there is no way to guarantee this, as there are limited Activity spaces available and our primary consideration when allocating is to provide children with their preferred choice of activity. To maximise the chance of siblings having an activity on the same day and time we recommend that, if desired, you select the same activity for the siblings or activities that run at the same times and also select either to be morning, afternoon or both

If my child did not get allocated to any activity on a particular week due to their preferences all being oversubscribed, can I register my child to another activity that has space available?

Yes. After allocation and payment deadlines have passed, we will share the available Activities that you can still register for in Phase 2 Clearing

I missed the payment deadline, can I still keep my child's space?

If payment has not been made by the deadline all such places will be allocated to other students. Please look at phase 2 sign ups.

Transport/Food Questions

Will transportation be provided during the Holiday Camps?

No. To provide a bus service for students to be on Campus for a maximum of three hours at times varying from 6.30am until 6.30pm was sadly not logistically possible.

Can students eat their lunch/snack in school before or after their activity?

Students are required to leave campus directly after their activity concludes unless they have signed up for the afternoon camp option and selected the lunch/supervision (12pm-1pm). For K1-G8, lunch/supervision is compulsory if students are staying for a full day. For HS, lunch supervision is optional. Students may leave campus and return if they wish but those on campus will need to be supervised.

Can my child bring their own lunch if they select lunch/supervision?

Included in the cost of lunch/supervision is the provision of lunch (Sodexo) and supervision. Your child is able to bring their own lunch however we are unable to adjust the price.

My child is doing a full day of camp (morning and afternoon activity), do they have to do the lunch supervision or can I collect them at 12pm and drop them back at 1pm?

It is compulsory for all K1-G5 students to do the lunch/supervision. This is in part to reduce the drop off and pick up traffic and to ensure a smooth transition from morning to afternoon activities for children.

G6-G12 may leave campus and return (subjected to parent's consent)

health & Safety questions

Will my child have to wear a mask during activity?

Masks are optional.

What measures has the school taken to ensure student's safety?

UWCSEA Dover will adhere to all SMM. A full breakdown of safety measures can be found here.

What is the medical provision?

The College Clinic will be open from 8.30am - 4.30pm for the duration of the camps.

For general enquires please contact