Introduction to Scientific Computing

Text book: Numerical Analysis, Richard L. Burden and J. Douglas Faires, 10th edition

2022 Fall

Mathematical preliminaries and error analysis (slide, 2020spring_print, 2020spring)

  • Round-off errors and computer arithmetic

  1. IEEE standard floating-point format (video)

  2. Absolute and relative errors (video)

  3. Machine epsilon

  4. Loss of significance (video)

  • Algorithms and convergence (video)

  1. Algorithm

  2. Stability

  3. Rate of convergence

Hand-son programming

Solutions of Equations in One Variable (slide, 2019fall, 2019fall_print)

  • Bisection Method (video)

  • Fixed-point iteration (video)

  • Newton’s method (video)

  • Error analysis for iterative methods (video1), (video2)

  • Accelerating convergence

  • Zeros of polynomials and Muller’s method (video)

Hands-on programming

Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems (slide, 2019fall, print)

Iterative techniques in matrix algebra (slide, 2018spring, print)

  • Norms of vectors and matrices (video)

  • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

  • Jacobi and Gauss-Siedel Iterative Techniques (video1), (video2)

  • Relaxation Techniques for Solving Linear Systems (video)

  • Error bounds and iterative refinement (video)

  • Conjugate gradient method (video1), (video2), (video3), (video4)

Human Face

50 (2,003) 100 (8,546) 150 (19,623) 200 (35,197) 250 (55,360) 300 (80,033)

  • LCH

50 (2,003) 100 (8,546) 150 (19,623) 200 (35,197) 250 (55,360) 300 (80,033)

  • CCL

bitter smile ferocious neutral pain pout sad smile wry

  • HBR

bitter smile ferocious neutral pain pout sad smile wry

  • LWH

bitter smile ferocious neutral pain pout sad smile wry