
  • Session A1 & A2 (Best paper candidate):各報告時間為 20 分鐘

  • Session B1 & B2 & C1 & C2 & D1:各報告時間為 13 分鐘


演講者:林順喜 教授 (臺師大資工系)




AlphaGo 打敗人類棋王李世石是一個令人驚嘆的時刻,它也代表了人工智慧一個歷史性的成就時刻。在此演講中,我將談一談從 Erica 奪奧金、到 AlphaGo 打敗棋王、到之後更進階的 AlphaZero 及 MuZero 的演進及發展過程。


在2011年,我們針對「蒙地卡羅樹搜尋」提出一些新的啟發式演算法,撰寫程式在下棋網站搜集高段棋士棋譜,統計各棋型被棋手下出的機率,成功的將「模擬平衡化」(Simulation Balancing) 應用到圍棋。另提出各種不同之時間控制的方法。所有的實驗都是執行在我們的圍棋程式 Erica,而 Erica 正是得益於這些啟發式演算法、各種改良方案與實驗結果,成功取得了2010年在日本舉辦的電腦奧林匹亞的19路圍棋金牌。許多技術如「蒙地卡羅樹搜尋」、「大數據」、及「棋型權重訓練」仍被用於 AlphaGo。

之後 Deepmind 團隊精心改進這些技術並整合了「深度卷積神經網路」、「監督式學習」、「強化學習」等技術,成功地應用在 Alphago 的程式中以提升其棋力。

在 AlphaGo 獲致巨大成功後,超越 AlphaGo 的 AlphaZero 及 MuZero 的探索之路持續往前邁進,讓我們一起來分享!

演講者:楊昌彪 教授 (中山大學資工系)


演講題目:The Two‑Dimensional Largest Common Substructure Problems


The similarity of two one-dimensional sequences is usually measured by the longest common subsequence (LCS) algorithms. However, these algorithms cannot be directly extended to solve the two or higher dimensional data. Thus, for the two-dimensional data, computing the similarity with an LCS-like approach remains worthy of investigation. We utilize a systematic way to give the generalized definition of the two-dimensional largest common substructure (TLCS) problem by referring to the traditional LCS concept. With various matching rules, eight possible versions of TLCS problems may be defined. However, only four of them are shown to be valid. We prove that all of these four TLCS problems are NP-hard and APX-hard. To accomplish the proofs, two of the TLCS problems are reduced from the 3-satisfability problem, and the other two are reduced from the 3-dimensional matching problem.