


Accepted papers

  1. Chang Wu Yu(余征武). Algorithms on Random Geometric Graphs with Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks

  2. Jia-Min Li(李佳旻), Tse-Ming Chen(陳則明), Ssu Chiu(邱斯) and Jia-Ming Chang(張家銘). CutIntStr - Application of Genome Integer String Expression

  3. Li-Yen Hsu(徐立言). Mutually Independent Hamiltonian Paths for the Honeycomb Torus

  4. Tu-Cheng Wu(吳篤承), Chang-Biau Yang(楊昌彪) and Kuo-Si Huang(黃國璽). The Merged Longest Common Subsequence Problems with t-length Substrings and at Least t-length Substrings

  5. Jyun Yu Chen(陳竣煜) and Po Hsuan Chen(陳柏瑄). Optimal Construction for Time-Convex Hull with Two Orthogonal Highways in the L1-metric

  6. Guan Yu Chen(陳冠宇), Kung-Jui Pai(白恭瑞), Ro Yu Wu(吳若禹) and Jou Ming Chang(張肇明). Load Balancing for Network Congestion through Protection Routing

  7. Hsin-Lung Wu(吳信龍). Communication Complexity of Symmetric AND Function

  8. Da-Ren Chen(陳大仁) and Hong-Chang Chen(陳宏昌). 以模型為基礎的無線人體區域網路功耗感知協定

  9. Lung Han Chang(張瓏瀚) and Yen Hung Chen(陳彥宏). 使用整數規劃解地緣感知興趣群組查詢問題

  10. Shyue-Ming Tang(唐學明). Constructing Independent Spanning Trees by a Branch-and-Bound Method on Bubble-sort Star Networks

  11. En-An Sung(宋恩安), Chang-Biau Yang(楊昌彪) and Kuo-Tsung Tseng(曾國尊). The Longest Common Subsequence with String Exclusion in Run-Length Encoded Format

  12. Yu-Cheng Chang(張育誠) and Chang-Biau Yang(楊昌彪). The Longest Common Wave Subsequence Problem

  13. Ya-Chun Liang(梁雅鈞), Chung-Shou Liao(廖崇碩) and Xinping Yi. Dynamic Algorithms for Minimum Coloring with Applications

  14. Jhih-Sheng Su(蘇志昇) and Tzu-Liang Kung(龔自良). 基於LSTM遞迴神經網路之美食店家評論情緒分析-以Google Maps為例

  15. Wei-Han Chen(陳韋翰), Hsien-An Chiu(邱顯安) and Jia-Ming Chang(張家銘). PSLRNN: Protein Subcellular Localization Prediction using Recurrent Neural Network with Attention Mechanism

  16. Yen Hung Chen(陳彥宏) and Kun Zhi Liao(廖崑智). 使用整數規劃解地緣社交群組查詢-k 涵蓋問題

  17. Chih-Peng Huang(黃志鵬), 顏瑋良. 模糊推論結合線性二次調節器 應用於兩輪平衡車之智慧型演算法設計

  18. Jyh-Yuan Lee(李智遠) and Jui-Chung Hung(洪瑞鍾). Predicting Default Payments of Credit Card Clients by Using XGBoost with Particle Swarm Optimization

  19. Chen Rong-Jhen(陳溶偵), 詹景裕, 游宗穎. 風車式空間剖分演算法

  20. Mei-Hui Hsu(徐美慧) and Jui-Chung Hung(洪瑞鍾). Research on Classification and Recognition of Badminton Action Based on Spectrum Analysis

  21. Wan-Yi Hsieh(謝宛頤) and Jui-Chung Hung(洪瑞鍾). Human Activity Recognition Based on Gramian Angular Field and Convolutional Neural Network

  22. De-Sung Wang(王德嵩) and Ching-Lueh Chang(張經略). On the Performance of Palmer’s Algorithm

  23. Mohamad Abdallah, Chun-Nan Hung(洪春男), Cheng-Yen Lin(林政彥) and Tzu-Liang Kung(龔自良). The Fault-Tolerance Spanning Properties of Complete Regular Multiple Stages Digraphs

  24. Tzung-Pei Hong(洪宗貝), Wen-Yang Lin(林文揚) and Yu-Lin Tsai(蔡侑霖). 具加權項目資料探勘之對偶特性

  25. 詹景裕, 游宗穎, 蔡侑諴. 群飛展演指派及避碰問題

  26. Bo-Quan Chen(陳柏全) and Wen-Yu Chung(鐘文鈺). 加入Attention機制的神經網路模型來預測PM2.5濃度

  27. Chuan-Min Lee(李權明). Parameterized Complexity of Some Variations of the Clique Transversal Problem on Graphs

  28. Wen-Cheng Chen(陳文正) and Min-Chun Hu(胡敏君). GCGNet: A General Cross-modal Generative Model with Disentangled Inter-modal and Intra-modal Latent Spaces

  29. Shu-Hsien Chen(陳舒嫻), Sheng-Lung Peng(彭勝龍) and Ruay-Shiung Chang(張瑞雄). A Hierarchical Overlapping Community Detection Algorithm

  30. Sin Ru Wu(吳欣儒) and Yen Hung Chen(陳彥宏). 使用整數規劃解社交空間群組查詢問題

  31. 張薰文, 黃莉晴, 陳昱安. 高藏量模數函式資訊隱藏新技術及其解析

  32. Cheng-Hsien Chang(章正弦), Sheng-Lung Peng(彭勝龍), Jou-Ming Chang(張肇明) and Ruay-Shiung Chang(張瑞雄). Obtaining an Overlapping Community Structure from a Partitioned Case

  33. Pei-Hsuan Tsai(蔡佩璇) and Jyun Lin Wu(吳俊霖). 改善醫學中心急診室壅塞之工作排程系統

  34. 王燿棠, 鄭鈺馨, 游睿承, 李昆翰. BGNet 的匹配成本上採樣模組之探究

  35. 鄭鈺馨, 王燿棠, 游睿承, 李昆翰. 應用影像處理追蹤牙周探針

  36. 游睿承, 王燿棠, 鄭鈺馨, 李昆翰. 雙目視覺立體匹配探究—從傳統方法到深度學習

  37. 劉仲庭, 徐熊健. S-Extended與協同視覺密碼機制