3rd Grade

Welcome to your virtual learning experience.  I hope you enjoy your weekly art enrichment.

Each week I will post a new art enrichment to this website.  Please try to save all projects in a folder.  The folder will be a portfolio that will be turned in when we return to school.

4/16/20 Paper Bag Portfolio

Lets create a portfolio to store all of your wonderful art work! From items you can find around your house!  You will need...

 a scissors, a brown paper bag, tape duck tape or masking tape and crayons or markers for adding detail.

Youtube link for this weeks enrichment 4/16/20

3/26/20  Symmetrical Cursive Name Monsters


The third grade has been working really hard on stop motion animation and developing characters.  Lets take a moment to think about an illustration of ourselves.  For this week's art enrichment you are to create a self portrait.  If you only have pencil or only want to use pencil you may do so.  If you have markers, crayons, colored pencils or any other supplies you would like to use on your self portrait you may also use whatever you like.

Watch the video below and let it be a guide on the placement of all the parts of your face.

Begin you project by drawing light, until you get it right!

3rd grade Self Portrait