Ways YOU can help!!

Support our active fundraisers HERE or read about any of the options below!

Grab and Go Snack Table & Cookies for 3rd Quarter Home Games

The Boosters will be providing a grab and go snack table outside of the band room for marching band students this season. Students can grab and eat their snacks prior to getting ready for the Friday game. 

During third quarter home games, we need cookies donated so the bands can mingle and have a snack.

If you would like to donate snacks or cookies, then sign up using this link. 

RECYCLING CENTER:         Recycling Center Signup Link 

We have been given a wonderful opportunity to raise some money on a regular basis. We need a rotation of volunteers on a regular basis to help at the recycling center to unload recyclables from vehicles and place in the recycling bins. This is on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month, from 9am-noon. We will only need 2-3 students and a chaperone on these days. The address is 14065 Galehouse Rd. This is a nice form of steady income for the Music Boosters. Students are expected to sign up on the boards in the choir and band rooms.

This is the easiest fundraiser we do!  While it is an early Saturday, students do get volunteer hours for doing it, and there are usually only a few cars that come in the entire 3-hour period, and some do not even need our help!  Bring a deck of cards, a snack, it can actually be fun!!!  Please click on the link below to sign up!

Recycling Center Signup Link 

If you would like to support the Chippewa Performing Arts by donating to the Chippewa Music Boosters, you may do so using our PayPal link!  Please indicate the amount you would like to donate,  keeping in mind that for a minimum donation of $20, your name will appear in all of the choir, theater and band programs throughout the school year.  

The levels of sponsorship are as follows:  

$20-$49 (Bronze Level Donor); $50-$75 (Silver Level Donor); $76-$99 (Gold Level Donor) and $100  or more (Platinum Level Donor).  Please indicate in your transaction how you would like your name to appear in the programs. You will do that on the last portion of your PayPal transaction (where it says "notes").   Thank you for your support!!!!

Are you interested in becoming more involved in Music Boosters?  In order to become an officer, you must attend a minimum of 3 meetings prior to elections, which are held in June.  Not interested in being an officer but would like to be more involved?  Please attend our monthly meetings!