Music Boosters

The Music Boosters meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm in the choir room. All parents of performing arts students (choir, band, theatre arts) in grades 5-12 are considered to be a part of the booster organization and are invited to attend all meetings. The more volunteer participation we can have, the more it will benefit our students.    

Our Booster Meeting Dates are as follows: Tuesdays: January 9th, February 13th, March 12th, and April 9th.

There is no meeting in May.


Upcoming Fundraisers: 

Century Resources - March 6th-March 18th, orders due March 22nd, delivery date: April 8th

** Grades 5th thru 12th

** Please be sure to make all checks payable to Chippewa Music Boosters.

Dine to Donate- Chipotle in Norton (date TBA)

Raffle Baskets for the Spring Musical - Amazon Wishlist will be posted soon. Items for the basket will be collected February- April. 

Spring Musical Bake Sale- May 3rd and May 4th at 7:00 pm and May 5th  at 2:00 pm.

** We will sell cookies and brownies during intermission. 

** A Signup Genius will be posted several weeks prior to the musical. 

President:  Amy Sommers email: cell: 330-861-2899

Vice President:  Carol Efaw

Secretary:  Kelly MacDonald

Treasurer:  Rhonda Caples/Lisa Stemple

Please join our Facebook group, Chippewa Music Boosters.  This group is for anyone that has a child in the Chippewa Performing Arts program.

If you would like to support the Chippewa Performing Arts by donating to the Chippewa Music Boosters, you may do so using our PayPal link!  Please indicate the amount you would like to donate,  keeping in mind that for a minimum donation of $20, your name will appear in all of the choir, theater and band programs throughout the school year.  

The levels of sponsorship are as follows:  

$20-$49 (Bronze Level Donor); $50-$75 (Silver Level Donor); $76-$99 (Gold Level Donor) and $100  or more (Platinum Level Donor).  Please indicate in your transaction how you would like your name to appear in the programs. You will do that on the last portion of your PayPal transaction (where it says "notes").   Thank you for your support!!!!

Are you interested in becoming more involved in Music Boosters?  In order to become an officer, you must attend a minimum of 3 meetings prior to elections, which are held in June. Not interested in being an officer but would like to be more involved?  Please attend our monthly meetings!

Please be sure to join the Boosters Remind. Text the word @chippewamu to the number 81010.  Here you will get reminder texts for all of our fundraisers, dates and deadlines, meetings, etc.   The Choir Remind is @chippchoir and the Drama Club Remind is @chippdrama.

Chippewa Music Boosters bylaws v. Jan 2020.pdf