FIPSSR Team Competition Page

Competition Teams

  • 7531 - Negative one O nine - Corey, Lily, Josh

  • 7532 - KHCO3 - Joe, Luke, Shella

  • 7533 - NOVERKO - Kody, Noah, Veronica

  • 7534 - Endar Disappeared - Lillith-Raine, Josh N, Endar

  • 7535 - ? - Jackson, Liam, Elliott

You found it, this is where you can find all about our 2021 Intra-Team Robotics Competition

Competition rules can be found on the link above.

Links to Video's of the event are below.

Competition Video's

Tutorials to help with Microbit and Onshape are below

Week 2 Microbit Tasks.

Once the above tutorials are completed, use the breadboard, microbit and other pieces in your kit to design, build and program a game (not snake). We'll share out next week.