High Desert Droids - FRC Team 753 - Bend, Oregon

Team Ethos: It's Not About the Destination, It's about the Journey.

Robot Design: Rapid, Robust, Reliable, Redundant, Roll with the Punches, Done on Time 

We are a team of students and mentors from Central Oregon who come together to build a robot, have some fun, learn and try to do something cool every day. 

Want more information? Contact Todd Andresen via email. 

Current Announcements:

Year end BBQ - Monday, June 10th, 6 to 8 pm 

Steam Camp #1 - July 8th thru 10th - 8am to Noon

Rube Goldberg

2023 Kendall Soapbox Derby Champions

STEAM Camp Flyer Summer.pdf

Upcoming Events:

Team Calender of Events

Donations/Meal Train/STEAM Camps

Student Resources

Above is the link to the BLS District volunteer clearance application. This must be filled out before you can work as a volunteer or transport students to competition

Complete and submit this form to the office at least 1 week before the event you are going to drive students to.

Social Media