Parent Council

Bualnaluib Parent Council
Bualnaluib Parent Council is a group of parents selected by all parents in the school to represent their views. Our Parent Council has an important role to play in school improvement by ensuring that the parental perspective is represented and taken into account. 

Every parent or carer's input is valued, and all are welcome to attend the meetings, which are held once a term.

Our elected Parent Council Committee:
Chairperson:  Mike Webber
Secretary: Kate Marie MacRae

Treasurer: Michelle McNiven

If you have never been to a Parent Council meeting, why not try to get to the next one?  

If you would like to get in touch with a member of the Parent Council, please email us at

NEXT MEETING: Our next meeting will be will be 2nd September 2024 at 7.30pm in the school building

All Parents and Carers welcomed. 

Parent and Carer Support

There are a number of pages where you can find out more information about your child's education.

Education Scotland

Parent Zone

Highland Council


Numeracy/Maths support at home

To visit our support page for maths at home click here

Sleep support 

Armed Forces support for families 

Online Safety

The links on the padlet below are regularly updated.