GAA uses various forms of communication to ensure that our families stay engaged.

Elementary School

Parent teacher communication in the Elementary (KG - grade 5) is via Seesaw, which is a student e-portfolio. Elementary parents can also expect to receive direct emails from teachers, and an elementary weekly newsletter.

Middle & High School

PowerSchool Unified Classroom is our electronic student management system where student information is collected and stored. This platform is accessible to Middle and High School Parents for access to student information, like grades and assignment scores. You will receive an email from PowerSchool Unified Classroom with the Access ID of your child. If you have not received this email by second week of school, please contact Sandeep Pavithran at or The parent account guide can be found here.

Middle and High School parents can also expect to received direct emails from teachers.

All School Communication

All-school communication via our GAAzette is shared with parents every two weeks and provides whole school and divisional updates. You can bookmark the website and check it regularly. Updated calendar of events, important divisional announcements and highlights are shared through this platform.

Make sure to follow us on our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) to stay up to date with current events, highlights and successes of our school! Click on the icons below!

SMS messaging is used for reminders and emergency messaging. Please ensure you have provided us with the mobile numbers of both parents/guardians. You can check with our receptionists, our Parent Relations Executive or our Admissions Team to ensure your contact details are correct on file.

GEMS Parent Username and Password

All newly enrolled parents will receive an automated email from the GEMS ICT Helpdesk with their GEMS Username and Password to access the GEMS Parent Portal or GEMS Connect App. Parents will receive one login per family and be able to see all of your children. The same login information can be used in many devices. If you are not able to see all of your children, please contact our Admissions team at The GEMS Parent Portal/App is used to pay fees, make a transfer request or refer a friend to a GEMS school as part of the GEMS Ambassador Program. If you have not received an email with your username and password, please email

Parent Portal Summary

Please click on here for detailed description of portals (websites, apps) used in GAA and GEMS network.

Parent WhatsApp Groups

In order to help connect our families, GAA Parent Ambassadors have set up grade level Whatsapp groups. This is a good place to ask questions, get information, etc. To join, please email Ms. Fatma, Parent Relations Executive at