Week 2

Digital Classroom

Week 2 Training Opportunities

Congratulations! You survived week one of our transition to virtual learning. Look back at all of the things that you learned last week: communication tools, accessing AliefHUB!, and sharing your office hours with stakeholders. You should have a communication plan in place for parents & students, and a firm grasp on accessing AliefHUB! to implement the various components of our virtual learning plan. Take a moment and pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments during the first week.

Week two is all about developing your digital classroom. The essential questions that will be answered this week are: (1) What are the differences between synchronous and asynchronous learning? and (2) How do I incorporate eBooks & digital literacy resources into my online environment?

We encourage you to spend this week planning for how you will purposefully and meaningfully incorporate digital tools into your online classroom. We have provided resources for you to use that will allow you to dive into learning about specific tools & resources. We are also providing self-paced training for those who would like a bit more support. Check out the schedule for Week Two, and use the links below to access resources and training opportunities.

What's Next?

Explore these resources on your own:

Available Now:
