Week 1- Access & Communication

Welcome back from Spring Break! The focus of this week is Access & Communication. The two essential questions that will be answered this week are: (1) How do I access district resources? and (2) What tools can I use to communicate with parents and students?

We encourage you to spend this week planning for how you will transition your students and parents to your digital classroom. We have provided resources for you to use that will allow you to learn at your own pace, and we are also providing virtual training for those who would like a bit more support. Use the links below to access resources and training opportunities.

There are many of you who have been using digital resources like Schoology and AliefHUB! for a while. If this is you, please take time this week to create your communication plan for students and parents and to continue to add relevant resources and activities to your online learning environment.

What's Next?

Explore these resources on your own, or sign up for virtual training.
