Week 5 Self-Paced Courses

Week 5 Self-Paced Courses:

Courses 1-4 are available now.

Still a Schoology Beginner?

Don't fret. Check out the resources available in the Schoology 101 section of this website. There are materials linked to help you along your journey. There's also a self-paced course that will teach you everything you need to know to be a Schoology Pro in no time!

Course 1 - Schoology: Engaging Discussions

In this course, participants will take a closer look at Schoology course discussions. While a popular feature, this course will show participants how to maximize the discussion tool to create interactive, engaging material for students. This course is not recommended for beginners.

Total time estimated for course completion: 1.5 hours

You must complete all six (6) quick modules to receive credit and a certificate for completing this self-paced training.

Course 2 - Schoology: Embedding Resources

In this course, participants will take a closer look at embedding resources directly within Schoology courses. The focus will be on using embed codes to insert a variety of external tools directly into Schoology pages, discussions, and assignments. This course is not recommended for beginners.

Total time estimated for course completion: 1.0 hour

Course 3 - Schoology: Grading Groups & Individually Assigned Folders

In this course, participants will delve into differentiating how work is shared with students within their Schoology course(s) using specific features. This course is not recommended for beginners.

Total time estimated for course completion: 1.0 hour

Course 4 - Virtual Field Trips

In this course, participants will learn about resources that can be utilized to take students on a virtual field trip. The resources can be accessed online or using a mobile device. They can also be linked within your Schoology digital classroom.

Total time estimated for course completion: 0.5 hour(s)
