Lab from Home

Demo Video Specification


  1. 請保持畫面穩定。Keep your hand stable.

  2. 請保持畫面明亮。Keep your light is bright enough.

  3. 若可能,請維持清楚人聲。If possible, keep your sound clear.

  4. Google 帳號即為 YouTube 帳號,若未申請,請自己申請一個。Use Google account to log-in YouTube service. If you didn't have it yet, please apply by yourself.

  5. 請建立一個「不公開」的播放清單(名字格式:2021-Spring-[weekday][classroom] -[ID]-demo),並提交給你的大助教。Please create an "Unlisted" playlist and share it to your TA.

    • 範例:2021-Spring-Sun222-08123456-demo

      • 標題無空白 No space on the title

  6. 影片可一鏡到底,無須後製。可選擇性添加字幕、無版權音樂、音效。You can shot one-cut video without any further post-production. Subtitle, copy-left BGM and sound effect are optional.

  7. 驗收品質過度惡劣以致無法驗收,助教會通知你重新拍攝(一次實驗含多個驗收項目,只有一次重拍機會,仍不成功即給予零分)。Bad quality of your demo video will cause you re-produce the video. There is only one chance for each Lab including more than one experiment. If you could not improve it, you will get zero for the score.

Check List

  • 顯示開始驗收時間。Show your demo starting time.

  • 顯示你的學生證。Show your student ID card.

    • 為保護隱私,請遮擋姓名。For privacy issue, DO NOT show your name on the screen.

  • 展示你的實驗環境與設備狀態。Show your demo environment and instruments.

    • 為保護隱私,請預先清除整理錄影環境,避免顯露個人訊息。PLEASE make your room or desktop clean enough to protect your own privacy.

  • 展示實驗結果,可口頭說明。Show your implementation and explain the results.

  • 顯示結束時間。Show your demo end time.

  • 上傳影片到 YouTube 平台。Upload your video to the YouTube.

  • 標註檢查重點時間戳。Insert time-stamp of key frame to the introduction of the video.

    • My ID

    • Topic

    • Demo

    • End Time

  • 添加影片到驗收專用播放清單。Add video to the demo playlist.

Tutorial Video

  1. Create and share an "Unlisted " playlist: https://youtu.be/nR5chj8Y2ks

  2. Create a link with specific time-stamp: https://youtu.be/SaNh3aJYjoQ

  3. Demo video example: https://youtu.be/WrGhg95f5So