My time in Ireland was amazing, and I genuinely could not recommend this experience more. I feel like I learned so much about teaching while being over there, but I also learned a lot about myself. I had never been out of the U.S. before, so it definitely was out of my comfort zone to do this, but I am so proud of myself and so happy that I did decide to. It is such a special experience that gave me the opportunity to see a different kind of school, different ways of teaching and learning, a new culture, and more while also becoming more independent. I also feel like I was able to just slow down and enjoy all the little or big moments over the month. At home, I always felt busy or like there was something to be doing for school, but in Ireland, I felt like I was able to just enjoy each day and each moment. I feel like I grew as an educator but also as a person, which is exactly what I wanted when I applied for this program. I am so grateful for this opportunity from WKU and happy that all of it worked out. Ireland is truly such a beautiful country that welcomed me in so well. If you are considering student teaching internationally, I very much recommend it, and I totally recommend coming to Ireland if you can!