I have now been in Ireland for about four days! I traveled to the Dingle Peninsula and am now back in Westport. I would say that my first impressions of Ireland are that is is a beautiful country, like the views here are just incredible! I love seeing views of the ocean and the mountains together. My first impression of the Irish people would be that they are nice but also seem to be very direct. I feel like most people I am around in America are more friendly and will engage in conversation easily. Many of the Irish people we have met or been around seem more reserved, but once you engage with them, then they will talk a lot to you. Everyone has been nice and kind so far. Some of the Irish workers, like bus drivers, restaurant servers, train station employees, etc. have been more blunt and direct when it comes to giving directions or trying to help us out with a question. Overall, I think I am going to really enjoy it here. I am excited to start school on Monday and to get in a routine here.