
Traveling abroad to complete my student teaching in Germany was the best decision I've ever made! At first I didn't know for sure if I wanted to go, but two days before the application was due, I decided to apply. Looking back, I can't imagine not taking this opportunity. I got to see places I've always dreamed of, spend time with some amazing girls, and meet some amazing people along the way. When I was in the schools I learned so much about myself as a teacher, as well as the way the German school systems work. The US and German schools are very different, but they are both incredible. There are definitely some things I learned about that I will take back home with me! This is a very unique experience, but if you are even slightly considering it, I say do it! You will not regret it one bit! It was so hard to say goodbye to the people I met along the way, but I will never forget them and all of the experiences I was able to have because of International Student Teaching. If you are interested in IST and would like to talk more about it feel free to email me at Go Tops!Â