Why should your organisation partner with The Circle?

We are proud to unite all spin-offs of the University of Porto. As our corporate partner you will be joining our community, generating new opportunities to mututal beneficial  relations. 

Be a partner of over 100 spin-offs U.Porto!!

Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) is a major player in the Portuguese financial market. CGD, formed as a public limited liability company by the Portuguese state, in 1876, is one of Portugal’s leading institutions and fully owned by Republic of Portugal. CGD has been at the forefront of Portuguese economic and social development. Based on a strong corporate culture and the highest ethical standards, rigor and professionalism, CGD has received over the years various awards and is recognized as a highly reliable, solid bank in Portugal’s banking sector, having merited the confidence of its many generations of customers.

Porto Business School

Porto Business School results from a strong collaboration between some of the largest and most important companies in Portugal and University of Porto. Its entrepreneurial DNA – created by companies, for companies, with strong scientific support from U.Porto – allows it to be a top-ranking business school in Europe, through its MBA, Post-Graduation and Executive Education programs. Its Innovation X Hub has been anticipating trends while also supporting the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem of the region. Know more about Porto Business School here.

UPTEC - Science & Technology Park of U.Porto

UPTEC supports the creation and development of business projects in the arts, sciences and technologies and hosts innovation centres for both national and international companies. At UPTEC entrepreneurs find the necessary support to turn their ideas into businesses with potential for rapid growth. On the other hand, innovation centres find the space and mechanisms to host and operate their projects, benefiting from the existing synergies with the R&D Departments and interface institutes of U.Porto.

Porto City Council

Porto City Council represented by the Entrepreneurship Unit, aims to promote and support the city's entrepreneurship ecosystem through initiatives and programs that benefit the city's economic development. Porto Municipality wants to enable connections between stakeholders, identify new opportunities, and take part in international networks, aspiring to establish Porto's Entrepreneurship Ecosystem as a relevant one, both nationally and internationally. 

Partner with us!

If you are an organisation related to entrepreneurship and innovation, contact us. Common ground and support of innovators make the most of entrepreneurial drive.

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