What is U.Porto Innovation?

U.Porto Innovation was created in 2004 with the purpose of supporting the University’s innovation value chain by fostering the transfer of knowledge and reinforcing the bond between the University and businesses. With over 15 years of experience, U.Porto Innovation focuses its activities on research at the University, entrepreneurship within the academic community and U.Porto’s growing connections with industry.

What is the Circle ?

The Circle club is promoted by U.Porto Innovation together with the founders of U.Porto Spin-off companies. The Circle was born with the intention of assisting spin-offs in the following aspects:

• Develop improvements in processes and business;

• Encourage the exchange of experiences;

• Promote forums, events and activities to discuss various topics of interest;

• Create opportunities for launching initiatives to support scientific and technological-based entrepreneurship.

What is the U.Porto Spin-off seal?

U.Porto's mission is to strengthen and enhance the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in the city and region where it operates. With this mission in mind, the university created the U.Porto Spin-Off seal, a brand that gives recognition to all companies that are born in the context of their R&D and innovation activities, and to which they license their use free of charge.

Spin-off companies originated by the spin-off seal are companies that have, in its origin, knowledge and/or technologies developed at the University of Porto or is following a project or initiative in it's ecosystem. This unprecedented initiative and brand was created to recognize companies that emerge from these entrepreneurial and research ecosystems at the University of Porto.

Who can apply for the U.Porto Spin-off seal?

• Teachers, students, researchers and non-teaching workers at the University of Porto

• Commercial companies arising from R&D and/or other activities with the contribution of U.Porto

• Natural or legal persons linked to the University of Porto (reasoned participation)

What is considered a spin-off company?

For the purposes of the regulation, a U.Porto spin-off is considered a commercial company created for the commercial exploitation of products and/or services arising from research results or activities carried out at the University of Porto, or outside it, and in which it is necessary or convenient a close institutional relationship with the University of Porto as a way to differentiate the company's products and services and/or to enhance the teaching and research of the University of Porto.

What are the benefits of becoming a member of U.Porto Spin-off?

You as a company, obtaining the U.Porto Spin-Off seal will work together with University of Porto and spin-off companies to enhance the innovative ecosystem, thus contributing to R&D, innovation and the business environment. Check out more about the benefits of becoming part of The Circle

Who are the members of U.Porto spin-off?

There are more than 100 companies that are part of our community. Click here to know more.

How much is the membership fee to be part of The Circle?

There is no fee required.

How can I apply to the U.Porto Innovation seal?

See our regulation here and then send an email to thecircle@reit.up.pt