Agronomic Impact of Sludge Amendment Using a Comprehensive Exposure Viewpoint


Vera Homem participated in the RTP3 program "Tech 3"

Vera Homem, assistant researcher at LEPABE, participated in the RTP3 program “Tech 3”, broadcasted on June, 12th.

The program is a space that addresses topics such as creativity, innovation, technology, and knowledge. The episode was dedicated to Águas do Douro e Paiva, SA, a company integrated in the FEUP-PRIME program, and with which she has been collaborating.

In this episode, Vera Homem talks about the project “AGRONAUT - Agronomic Impact of Sludge Amendment Using a Comprehensive Exposure Viewpoint”, which aims to contribute to improving knowledge about the safe use of sewage sludge on agricultural land.

Watch the episode here.

Welcome to AGRONAUT

AGRONAUT - Agronomic Impact of Sludge Amendment Using a Comprehensive Exposure Viewpoint is a three-year scientific research and technological development (SR&TD) project supported by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/MCTES .

The AGRONAUT project intends to contribute to improve the knowledge on the safety use of sewage sludge/compost on cropland: (1) providing data on the concentrations of emerging contaminants (e.g. synthetic musks and volatile methylsiloxanes) in sewage sludge and compost from different national urban wastewater treatment plants, (2) assessing if the application of sewage sludge/compost to agricultural fields may promote the migration of these contaminants to soils, (3) studying plant uptake in field tests and (4) assessing the risks associated to this practice.

For more information please click here.