Black Lives Matter (BLM)

A Candid Introduction

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has dominated headlines for the past few months, but the myriad of complex issues it addresses has made it hard to understand its goals. The media’s contradictory depictions of BLM have not helped either. As such, it’s reasonable to question BLM’s motivations, since the movement’s title may seem offensive; don’t all lives matter? Additionally, it statistically seems like Black Americans commit more crimes compared to other races and that police officers are simply doing their jobs. While we aren’t experts on the topic, we created this web page to distill the overload of information about BLM coming from the media into its fundamental ideas and motivations. Beyond BLM, we also dive into underlying questions like what racism and privilege are to understand their relations to BLM.

After browsing this web page, we highly recommend listening to Black community members and advocates to hear their perspectives on police brutality, racism, and privilege. As allies of Black Lives Matter, we understand it is our duty to educate ourselves on the Black experience, which we also acknowledge can only truly be understood through experience. This web page should only be the beginning of your research into BLM. Beyond listening to Black community members, it is also important to understand United States history and to know the events that have led up to today's situation. A list that we have compiled of some of the many resources provided by the Black community and its allies can be found below.

Defining the Movement

What do they stand for? Why are they protesting?

Why are Black people "asking for attention" right now?

Common Misconceptions and Incomplete Sentiments

Thus, aren't police actions justified?

Questions About Racism

An introduction to the following sections about racism.

What are their origins and definitions?

Isn't prejudice gone because of the Civil Rights Movement?

How does implicit bias relate to systemic racism?

Privilege and How To Use It

Do privileges exist in America?

"I'm not Black, so this isn't my problem."