Does Black Lives Matter have ties with Antifa?

Black Lives Matter does not have official ties with Antifa. Antifa itself is not easily identifiable because it has no central organization or leader: it simply describes protesters who oppose racism or fascism and identify themselves with the Antifa label. Thus, it can be difficult to point out an Antifa “supporter” in a crowd, since a person against racism or fascism may not necessarily identify themselves with Antifa.

Despite allegations that Antifa rioters have stirred up violence at major protests, analysis of protests in more than 140 cities showed that Antifa had little presence and, if they did, it was nonviolent. Usually, the presence of Antifa “members” is more common when white nationalists and white supremacists rally, which often occurred at BLM protests. As the Department of Homeland Security recently stated in a report, it seems that “opportunists” rather than “extremists” are behind much of the property damage that has occurred.

Many “looters” and vandalizers have acted on their own accord without ties to BLM. Indeed, some BLM protests took a turn and protesters actively began ransacking buildings and public property. However, there is often a clear distinction between actual BLM protesters and those who have taken advantage of demonstrations to rob retail stores. According to a study from the Civil Rights Movement, most peaceful protesters do not engage in “looting.” In Los Angeles, for instance, journalists found that individuals who were not affiliated with BLM were exploiting the protests to steal from businesses in order to provide for their families.

Critics of looting have stated that damage to public property is not necessary and that necessary public facilities or local businesses can be damaged in the wake of a protest. Others argue that most BLM supporters are peaceful and have even tried to stop others from looting in some cities. Still others acknowledge that some BLM protesters may participate in looting because they believe that it is the only way to make people realize the impact of police violence on the Black community. They also say that possessions and property should not be valued more than the lives of Black Americans.

In any case, Black Lives Matter’s message should not be degraded by allegations of looting, according to author Mychal Denzel Smith. Police violence and the hardships of the Black community should not be clouded by what can happen at any protest, including looting, destruction of property, or vandalization. Rather, it is more important to understand why a protest happens.