
I model my personal teaching philosophy according to the principles of bell hooks’ engaged pedagogy. One of the components of this pedagogical style I find concretely beneficial and appealing is the centering of student well-being and agency as a fundamental part of the learning process.  

A second fundamental piece of my teaching philosophy is emphasizing transformative learning experiences. These experiences combine active and applied learning in a way that makes each lesson memorable, and provides tangible and impressionable course takeaways that will stay with students long after they leave the classroom. 

My teaching philosophy is influenced heavily by my experience working with youth development programs for the last decade. 

Courses Taught

University of Michigan School of Information 

SI 311, Intro to UX & Gaming | Winter 2022 & 2023, Instructor 

UCLA Department of Information Studies 

IS 20, Digital Cultures & Societies | Winter 2019, Instructor 

IS 260, Information Structures | Fall 2015 & 2016, Teaching Assistant 

UCLA Department of History 

HIST 120D, Film and History: Central and Eastern Europe, 1945-1989 | Spring 2018, Teaching Assistant 

Lyn Treece Boys & Girls Club 

Introduction to Computer & Information Science | Winter 2018, Instructor