Iara Mantenuto

['jara mante'nuto]

California State University Dominguez Hills

I am an Assistant Professor of Linguistics in the English department at California State University Dominguez Hills.

I am also the Coordinator of the Teaching English as a Second Language MA at CSUDH.

I graduated from the Department of Linguistics at UCLA

My primary research interests lie in morphology, syntax, fieldwork, language documentation and pedagogy of linguistics/languages.

I am honored to work on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples.

Contact: imantenuto [AT] csudh [DOT] edu

You can download my full CV here.

Upcoming Events:

Latest News:

This is a trilingual dictionary which community members, my Research Assistants for this project and I are creating for the town of San Sebastián del Monte.

Taller de lecto-escritura del Mixteco de Yucuquimi de Ocampo y de San Sebastián del Monte [with Octavio León Vázquez y Félix Cortés]

A workshop on teaching local students to write their language, to learn about linguistics and pedagogical techniques to become language teachers, translators, professors, and use their languages moving forward in their careers. 

Contact us if you are a first generation student, a former first generation student or someone who cares about first generation students in the field of linguistics. Check out our website in construction for more information of who we are.

San Sebastián del Monte Mixtec Website

This is a website where you can find most of the products of our language documentation and revitalization project.