Fostering Student Engagement Remotely

Workshop Description

This workshop from the UCLA Center for the Advancement of Teaching offers hands-on exploration of strategies for using technology to foster active learning and student engagement in remote courses. Participants will learn how to maximize the use of Zoom breakout rooms and gain practical experience with online polling and a variety of digital collaboration tools. Attendees will leave the workshop having identified concrete action steps for transitioning activities and assignments they typically use face-to-face for remote environments. The focus of this session is fostering engagement during synchronous Zoom meetings.

Learning Objectives

  • Reflect on your current pedagogical practices and teaching goals.

  • Explore remote teaching strategies that promote engagement, enhance learning, and foster an inclusive environment for all students.

  • Experience using strategies that encourage interactivity and engagement during live synchronous Zoom sessions.

  • Prepare to transition in-class activities to remote exercises by incorporating the resources introduced in this workshop.

Session Materials

Couldn't attend? Watch the recording!

NOTE: This recording was made during UCLA's Fall Teaching Forum and may differ slightly from slides/activities below.
20F Fostering Student Engagement Remotely


View in browser--or download.

To download, click on the slides to open in your browser. Then click the gear icon > click more > then download as Powerpoint.

Note: Slides for this workshop are updated slightly with each iteration and thus may not match the recording exactly.
20F TEMPLATE Student Engagement Breakout Rooms

Breakout Session Document

Please save a copy to your own Google Drive
or download this template to use it for scaffolding small group discussions in your courses.

Click on the RESOURCES tab at the top right to access supplemental materials from this session--including a comparison guide for polling tools, an active learning strategy guide, and more!


UCLA Center for the Advancement of Teaching