Day 2

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 in Royce 306

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022 in Royce 306

9:00-9:30 Registration, Breakfast provided

9:30-11:00 Panel presentations 4: National Identities, Constructed and Deconstructed

· “Lost in Migration: The Search for Identity in Language. The place of Emine Sevgi Özdamar's novel Mutterzunge in contemporary German culture,” Akshita Sharma, Delhi University

· "Death and Ruin: Envisioning the Fascist Aesthetic in the Work of Riefenstahl, Speer, and Mishima," Todd Maslyk, University of Michigan

· “Reading Kazakh New Wave Cinema Through (German) Media Theory,” Vincent Kancans, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

· “The Apple, the Gods, and the Juniper Tree.” Lujun Guo, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

11:15-11:30 Morning break, refreshments provided

11:30-1:00 Panel presentations 5: Gender Identities

· “‘It Was Not Garbage’: An Economy of Decay in Valeska Gert’s Performance Venue Ziegenstall (1951-1978),” Jacqueline Davis, UCLA

· “‘On a resté’: The Evolution of Women’s Home Music in Southwest Louisiana,” Miranda Heaner, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

· “Selfless city: Gendered Flânerie and the Empty Ego in Baudelaire and Virginia Woolf, Katya Lopatko, UCSB

· “Erosion and Decay – Challenging Binary Thinking in Laura Pugno’s Eco-Feminist Novels,” Kelly Roso, UCLA

1:00-2:00 Break for Lunch

2:00-3:00 Closing Keynote: “Drafting Private Gelidium: Agar as a thermal medium in C. K. Tseng’s research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography (1943-1946),” Prof. Melody Jue, UCSB, English

3:15-4:15 Closing Remarks

4:30-7pm Reception, refreshments provided