Workshop Announcement: Women in Geospatial Sciences, Building Leaders for Tomorrow
The Pennsylvania State University and Syracuse University will host two 1½ day workshops to identify challenges women currently face in our universities, and provide recommendations to retain women leaders in the geospatial sciences through active engagement and building of peer-mentorship networks within departments and also across the university and between universities.
This opportunity stems from the first TRELIS (Training and Retaining Leaders in STEM - Geospatial Sciences) workshop run by UCGIS and the University of Maine in Madison, WI in May 2018, and is funded by a Carolyn Merry Mini-Grant from TRELIS, the University Consortium of Geographic Information Science, and the University of Maine, with support from PSU and SU.
The objective of the workshops is to build a TRELIS network within and between PSU, SU, Cornell, SUNY-ESF, SUNY-Buffalo, and other regional institutions of higher education, by providing an opportunity for career coaching that will enable women to build a network of mentors and peers. The interactive workshops will address themes discussed during the TRELIS workshop in Madison, including: Work-Life Integration (WLI), Career Trajectories & Leadership (TL), Mentoring & Coaching (ML), Communication & Language (CL) and Obstacles, Conflicts & Solutions (OCS).
The workshops are designed to provide a ‘safe place’ to foster discussions and to bring together women faculty in the geospatial sciences from each institution.
Who can participate?
The workshops, one to be held at Syracuse University in spring 2019 and one at The Pennsylvania State University in fall 2018, will host participants drawn from each institution. The workshops are open to women who work in the geospatial sciences or with geospatial data/technologies at all career stages, including mid- and early-career faculty, staff, post-docs, and graduate students.
Example workshop agenda
Workshop 2: Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
Workshop dates: 2pm Monday 13th - 4pm Tuesday 14th May 2019.
Please note that participants are expected to attend the entire workshop, so please make necessary arrangements.
Application link: To apply for the SU workshop click here
Application deadline: Ongoing until full
Announcement of acceptance: Ongoing until full
Workshop 1: The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Workshop: This workshop took place on Nov 1st and 2nd 2018 in State College, PA, and has now ended.
For past workshop details visit Penn State Workshop Details.