Sr. Band Guide

Senior Band Student Guide

Sebeka School

 1.  Participation and Cooperation

You are in a class that is a co-curricular activity.  This means that activities outside of the normal school day will be taken into consideration at grading time.  Therefore, it requires time and effort above and beyond the normal school day.  Understand this, and you will have no problems.  (To make up for this extra time, we will have a few class periods through the year in which we do not rehearse.) I expect your full 100% cooperation at all times.  If you are asked to “please do “ something, that “please” means, “right now.” 

2.  Rehearsals and Performances

You will be expected to be at all rehearsals and performances with your instrument in working condition.  Coming without an instrument, music, pencil or uniform (to performances) will give you an absence.  You have/will receive a list of performance and rehearsal dates.  It is your responsibility to have these dates on a calendar and not schedule other activities or work for these times.  Note: Work is not an excused absence.  (See # 9.) 

3. Music

It is your responsibility to keep all your music, including copies in good condition.  Only pencils should be used to mark your music.  Folders and music should not be left on the floor.  Your case or locker is the best place for them.  It may cost you money for copies of music you loose.  Keep your music with you at all times so it does not get “lost.”

 4. Instruments

It is expected that your instrument be in top working condition at all times.  Slides must slide, reeds must be in good shape, valves must work, and drummers should have their own sticks every day.

If your instrument is found to be inoperative or broken, you will have one week to have it repaired.  If you do not make attempts to have it repaired or bring it to Mr. K. to have it repaired you will earn an absence for each day you do not have a working instrument.  (In some cases, a loaner instrument may be available from school, so keep your mouthpiece, neck strap, reeds, etc. if your instrument goes to the shop)  If you come without proper supplies (music, reeds, valve oil, sticks, etc) you will be given a warning.  If you continue to come without supplies you will earn a referral. Some minor repairs may be taken care of by Mr. Kerkvliet.  Notify him at the end of class so that the problem can be fixed by the next rehearsal.  Please do not ask at the beginning of class, as it is too hectic! Your instrument case, whether school owned or privately owned, should display a nametag with your name, address, and phone number on it.  The Sebeka School District has NO insurance coverage for privately owned instruments left in the building, and is not responsible for them. 

5. Uniforms

A uniform is a valuable piece of school equipment.  It should be taken care of at all times.  A uniform should always be stored properly after performances.  FINES WILL BE LEVIED FOR ANY MISUSED OR LOST UNIFORMS THAT ARE SCHOOL OWNED. 

Concert Dress Code:  Pep Band = Purple Sebeka Band Jackets   Sr. Concert Band & Jazz Band = White Dress Tops/Black Dress Bottoms/Black Socks/Black Dress Shoes  (Sleeves on tops should be at least ¾ length) No Jeans, T-Shirts, Hats, or Tennis shoes.  Look Respectable!   Marching Band= Purple Sebeka Band Shirts/Tan/Kaki Shorts/White Socks/White Tennis Shoes/Sunglasses  

If you are not dressed in the appropriate attire for concerts you may be asked not to play. This will result in a zero for the performance.

6. Practice

You must practice as much as it takes for you to do what is expected of you in class, sectionals, tryouts, and testing.  Instruments should be taken home for practice on weekends and must be taken home during the summer unless school owned. 

7. Room rules

This room and all music rooms are to be treated with the utmost respect at all times.  Please keep them clean and neat.  Except on special occasions, no food, pop, gum, ipods, cell phones, portable cd players, etc. are allowed in the band room.  Instruments and music should be kept in their proper spots.  The stereo, TV, DVD, Computers, and other room equipment are off-limits to students without permission.  Percussion, Keyboards, Guitars, and Pianos are off limits to students unless that is you major instrument or you ask permission.

 8. Letters

To earn a letter award a Senior Band student who has completed at least two years of participation must fill out the letter application.  Students who have completed all the required tasks on the application and have followed this guide will earn a band letter.

 9. Absences 

Each student’s first three excused absences from band do not have to be made up.  Each excused absence beyond your third must be made up or it will lower your final grade.  (Practicing may make up Absences or helping in the band room after school or, in the case of extended absences, a report.)  Un-Excused absences from band may not be made up!  Unexcused absences from class, pep band or other band activities will lower your final grade by 5% for each offense.  An un-excused absence from the winter or spring concert will be a minimum of a 15% deduction.  Note: Work is not a verified absence from required band activities just as it is not a verified absence from other extra-curricular or co-curricular activities. 

10. Tardies

Tardies will lower your grade by 5% per offense 

11. End of Class

You are required and expected to remain in your seat until you are dismissed by seniority for lunch or your next class.  No one will or should ever leave the classroom area without permission during the period.  Violators will be given an UN-EXCUSED ABSENCE FOR THAT DAY.

 12. Grades

Your grades are based on the following:

-Daily attendance                                                                                               30%                

-Participation at events outside of school day                                 30%               

 -Quarterly Lesson or Jazz Band or Solo/Ensemble                       20%               

 -Overall cooperation, attitude, work habits, behavior,                               

and following guide and director instructions.              10% 

  -Tardies                                                                                      10%                         

   Total                     100%               

  Grading will follow this scale:             

Percentage                            Grade                

90-100%                                    A                

80-89%                                      B             

70-79%                                       C               

60-69%                                     D               

59% or below                         F