Volunteer Opps
Be Sure You Get All Hours Verified and Logged into Naviance if You Are Working Towards the Service Learning Medal Award. Hours Will be Reviewed and Approved by Administration at the End of Each Month.
White Rock Creek Trail Clean Up Event
March (Saturdays only)
April Blood Drive
April 6, 2023
See flyer for details!
Kids Health & Safety Fair
DPD is hosting their annual Health and Safety Fair at LHHS on Saturday, November 12 from 10am to 1pm. Sign-up at the link below.
The Lake Highlands Rec Center
Haunted Highlands Trail. Below is the link for sign up. Each role lists what they will do and how many hours they can get. They can sign up for multiple.
After school program tutoring: 3:00-4:30 | Monday thru Friday | Must come in at least twice a week. Contact kimberly.voulgarakis@dallas.gov if interested.
After school program games assistance: 4:30-6:00 | Monday thru Friday | Must come in at least once a week. Contact kimberly.voulgarakis@dallas.gov if interested.
Basketball coaches for youth basketball league: Beginning January 9| 5:30pm-7:00pm | Monday and Wednesday| Must choose which day to come in every week until season is over(end of March). Contact kimberly.voulgarakis@dallas.gov if interested.
Sidewalk chalk art in front of main entrance: Looking for talented artists who would like to create a unique piece on the concrete of main entrance. Must provide their own materials. Contact tamara.aquino@dallas.gov if interested.
Earn extra money AND up to 18 service hours!!
The DEADLINE for application submission is Friday, September 23, 2022
It’s that time again when we start looking for Student Clerk Poll Workers for the upcoming Tuesday, November 8, 2022, General & Joint Election. With each election, a new application must be filled out and submitted. Each student must be aware of the steps and criteria they must meet. In order to work on Election Day.
Applications must be legible, and timely, and students must communicate with the Elections Department, their parents, and the Election Judge. The DEADLINE for application submission is Friday, September 23, 2022, for the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, General/ Joint Primary Election. You can EMAIL your application to (studentelectionworker@dallascounty.org) or FAX (214-819-6301).
Pay Rate: $16/hour, a maximum of 15 hours. In addition, 18 service hours can be acquired by participating.
Applications: Since this election will be conducted on a Tuesday. The principal’s signature will be required. If Tuesday, November 8, 2022, is a student/teacher holiday for your school district a principal signature is NOT REQUIRED. A parent’s signature is not required if the student is 18 years of age. Age is not the determining factor for the program. Any student 16 years or older (including tie over 18) are eligible until they graduate. **Please, write legibly!**
Questionnaire: After an application has been submitted, students will receive an email from our department with a link to our questionnaire. The questionnaire will be sent out on September 30, 2022. Students will need to complete and submit their questionnaires.
TRAINING: Students are required to attend training. The training schedule has not been finalized. Once the training days have been established, you will receive an email with the following signup dates.
COMMUNICATION: Students need to be in constant communication with the Election Department, their parents, and the precinct judge. If at any time you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (214)-819-6319 or email: studentelectionworker@dallascounty.org. I look forward to hearing from you soon and if you have any specific requests, please let me know.
Help needed to run the concessions for the LHE vs. Wallace game next Thursday 9/22. Looking for 8-10 student volunteers to help us run it. Contact person is below.
Sarah Dye
Email - sarah.dye@risd.org
Network of Community Ministries is in need of volunteers and would love to connect with LHHS students about volunteer hours.
You already know how much Network does for RISD students and families from the many times Dr. Stone has given their mobile food pantry a ‘shout-out’ on our district website!
Feed Lake Highlands
The "Feed Lake Highlands" organization is looking for people to volunteer in its Homework Club. Click HERE to volunteer.
Dallas Habitat for Humanity
The Dallas area Habitat for Humanity group is looking for volunteers at least 16 years of age or older to volunteer at their retail stores. Get additional info and sign up HERE.