
The Nervous System

Purpose: Learn and explore how you think, react and see with the brain and nervous system.

  • Click on the image to access the activities.

  • Complete the Assignment for the Nervous System your teacher's Google Classroom to get feedback on your work!

    • Code for Dr. Bush's Google Classroom: 4eoy5xl

Activity 1

Brain hats - get your thinking cap on!

Brain Hats

Learn about the lobes of the brain and how they process different sensory information. Create your own brain hat.

Activity 2

Reflex Lab

Reflex Lab

Learn about reflexes and collect data on your own reflexes

Activity 3

The Eye and the Brain - Optical illusion challenge

Optical Illusions

The Eye and the Brain

Learn how our eyes and brain work together to create an image and create or explore optical illusions that trick your brain.