
World's Weirdest: Hooded Seal

For male hooded seals looking for a mate, nothing's manlier than flailing around a hot-pink balloon.

This 2-minute video explores the abnormal behavioral and physical traits that male hooded seals use in finding mates for reproduction.

Discussion Questions:

Find 2 other examples of species with physical traits used for mating behavior, either in males or in females.

Survival of the Sneakiest


Use the attach comic about reproductive traits to answer the discussion questions.

The Icefish Has Clear Blood

See clear blood run through the veins of the icefish, a demonstration of the process of natural selection. This video uses the Antarctic icefish as an excellent case study for genetic evolution and is perfect for all science classes. See how these amazing fish avoid freezing in the icy ocean.

Want to learn more? Watch the video and complete the discussion questions.

Plant and Animal Adaptation

Plant Adaptations

For plants to live and grow in certain environments, they must adapt to their surroundings to get their basic needs met and to ward off predators.

After watching the above video, go to Study Jam and test your knowledge by taking the practice quiz

Animal Adaptations

Through adaptations, organisms develop certain features that aid their survival. They pass these on to future generations through the process of natural selection.

After watching the above video, go to Study Jam and test your knowledge by taking the practice quiz