Topic 2 - Sports Coaching

Topic 2 - Sports Coaching

Behind every successful athlete or performer you will find at least one coach, sometimes a number of them, directing, supporting and guiding them to achieve. The role of the coach in sport is essential as they are the driving force behind the athlete, planning and personalising their training to suit them and work to the athlete’s strength, usually having to do this for a number of different athletes and performers. The role of a coach is also a varied one, acting as expert, authoritarian, leader and sometimes even counsellor.

The purpose of this unit is to show learners how varied the role and responsibilities of a coach can be and how they can impact on an athlete’s performance and even their career. It will also show learners how a variety of methods and techniques need to be used by a coach in order to ensure that they are getting the best out of their athletes.


Qualities of a coach - 1

Using the article, think about the qualities of a successful coach.

Activity - Review the Document

Qualities of a coach - 2

Having looked at the role and qualities of a coach in the previous task, lets now apply this to 2 modern day coaches.

Pep Guardiola

Eddie Jones

Activity - Watch the videos

Identify and describe why Pep and Eddie are considered 2 of the most influential coaches in modern day sport

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