Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the difference between single and double sport?


Contact Time In College 5 hours

Coursework % 66%

Exam % 33%

Qualification after 2 years 1 A'level


Contact Time In College 10 Hours

Coursework % 100%

Exam % 0%

Qualification after 2 years 2 A'level

What progression opportunities do sport qualifications provide?

The great thing about them is that they still give you a choice of opportunities once you’ve completed them.

The three choices open to you are:

How will I be assessed ?

100% COURSEWORK - Double

You will study a range of units and submit coursework. Each unit is worth up to 90 points. Your total points indicate your final grade.

The single course is 66% course work and 33% exams. Each unit contributes to your overall grade.

How much coursework is there, is it all written?

It is not all written it includes discussions, presentations, team work, simulated work situations and practical tasks. Something to suit everyone.

Can you correct coursework ?

Yes, on submitting work you will get feedback from your teacher, you can then act on this to imporve your work and your grade. This happens on every-piece of work.

What are the class sizes and make up - males to female ratio ?

Classes around 18 students bout 60% male 40% female

Are there any trips ?

Each unit is linked to a visit - this could be local, Durham or Newscaster, or national, York, Leeds or London. We try to run an overseas visit each year previous ones have included New York, Barcelona, Paris, and Dublin

UCAS points what does each grade mean etc. ?

Have a look at the tables here SINGLE / DOUBLE

What have students moved onto?

The students have progressed onto university, apprenticeships and employment in a wide range of areas including : teaching, accountancy, nursing, business management, pharmaceuticals, marketing, medicine and many more. Take a look at some of out former students.

What types of A-Levels do students study alongside this course?

The normal programme in College is to study three subjects. Double would be two choices, leaving one to select. Single would be one choice leaving two to select. Students in the past have done geography, maths, english, languages, psychology, PE, travel and many others. It can be combined with any subject you want. It does balance well with exam based subjects

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