First, let’s check out just a few of the physical benefits of regular exercise:

  1. Weight loss and weight control

  2. Increased muscle strength and muscle mass (which helps burn calories and fat)

  3. Increased energy

  4. Improved flexibility and movement

  5. Lower risk of some types of cancer (Exercising at least 4 hours per week has been shown to lower risk of breast cancer by 37%!)

  6. Reduced risk of Diabetes 2 and metabolic syndrome

  7. Improved immune system, for overall better health

  8. Increased “good” cholesterol to keep blood flowing smoothly

  9. Lower risk of a heart attack and stroke

  10. Helps smokers quit with higher success rates

  11. Strength training & weight-bearing exercise (like walking, jogging, etc), promotes stronger bones (which is particularly helpful for women entering menopause, when bone density is lost)

  12. In short, Exercise can increase your life expectancy by an average of 7 years!


Countless research studies show that exercise has incredible benefits not just for physical health, but for all areas of health, including mental, emotional, intellectual, and yes, even social well-being. Check these out, for a start!:

  1. Regular aerobic exercise increases levels of seratonin and dopamine in the brain, which is linked with improved mood

  2. Aerobic exercise increases endorphins, or the “feel good” chemicals in the body, improving mood and energy

  3. Exercise enhances the mind’s ability to withstand daily hassles and stressors and to regulate itself

  4. Research shows exercise can alleviate symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and Depression in women

  5. Regular exercise has been shown equal to antidepressant use in treating Major Depressive Disorder

  6. Exercise is associated with deeper relaxation and better quality of sleep (which protects the brain and increases energy)

  7. Strength training has been shown to decrease tension and worry in the body and mind

  8. Studies show exercise reduces/treats and may prevent anxiety and panic attacks

  9. Exercise increases mental clarity and efficiency

  10. Improves cognitive functioning in middle age and beyond

  11. Exercise is associated with better thinking, learning, and judgment

  12. It can help you tap into intuition and creativity

  13. Exercise increases assertiveness and enthusiasm for life

  14. Studies show exercise leads to a higher quality sex life

  15. Group or partner exercise increases social activity and decreases feelings of loneliness and isolation

  16. Those who exercise regularly tend to have a better body-image

  17. Regular exercise is associated with higher self-esteem

  18. Overall, exercise is one of the best ways to improve happiness and life satisfaction