"Film is a subject which I'd never done before taking it for A Level, yet it's quickly becoming a favourite. The analysis and exploration of film meaning has given me a greater appreciation of filmmaking, while the application of different theories (such as feminist readings or spectatorship theory) has given me a greater understanding of the power films possess as a tool for communicating messages in an increasingly visual world. The coursework aspect also allows for a creativity that I don't get to explore as much in my other subjects."


"Studying Film at QE was a great experience for me. Getting to study individual films in detail made me realise the deeper meanings that filmmakers integrate into their films. I loved studying international films and exploring the culture and context behind them. It's made me appreciate films as more than just entertainment, and actually getting to apply my knowledge by making a short-film was very satisfying. My interest in film was fostered by great teachers and now I'm looking forward to studying Film at university!"


"Taking Film Studies has led to the most unique experience I’ve ever had in a learning environment. It’s a subject that has pushed me to dig deeper and understand the many components that make up a film. Throughout my time as a student I have had my ideas not only listened to, but guided and developed. Even when I thought I was grasping at straws, my teachers were there to support and reassure me. Not only do you get taught by some incredible teachers, but you learn the ins and outs of the industry and study a variety of films from across the world. It has been a very engaging and thought provoking subject, but also the most entertaining subject I’ve ever taken. It’s not a subject to miss out on, especially if you want to work in film as I do."