Safe Grad Information


Please note these are suggestions from previous parents to help future parents. The school has no experience and will not participate in any roles or responsibilities of Safe Grad. We made this page in hopes of helping future generations have an easier time organizing this function for their children. 

Safe Grad Information / Liquor License 

Manitoba School Boards Association puts out amazing information around running Safe Grads in Manitoba. You can find plenty of resources available on their website which is linked in the text here. They also provide an extremely useful manual which will go a long ways in helping plan your safe grad. They are hosting a "Safe Grad Seminar" on Saturday, November 18, 2023 at Victoria Inn in Winnipeg which can really help with your planning. 

Please note that your application for to have a Safe Grad must be submitted by June 1.

Please note that you must apply for your liquor license by May 15th. 

This information can be found in more detail in the manual


Lori will call the hall and book it in advance, pending this is what your group would like. It requires a deposit $250 with a total rental amount of $500, unless the price went up.

Dinner / Caterer

We recommend having discussions early for this or at least about a ballpark figure for what dinner should cost because it will have an impact on what you need to fundraise. Securing a vendor with a deposit is a good idea. 

It has been advised by past graduating parents that an easy approach for tracking information around dinner is to assign each graduate a "Dinner Ticket Order Form" that holds the information, price, due date of funds, and a guest list. Something like the screenshot at the bottom of this page.


Entertainment is another great thing to start planning early on so you can appropriately fundraise for the amount that will be request or to book any entertainment in advance. Sometimes bookings are difficult and expensive when arranged last minute. 


In years past, this has been long nights for several parents who help set-up and take down. One suggestion was to hire a decorator and not worry about it, especially because the small number of students and supports that will be available due to smaller graduating classes.

Designated Drivers / Safe Grad Transportation Form

Each graduate will require 2 contacts that can be their DD. There are to be absolutely zero students selected to be an individuals designated driver as insurance may not cover this. The Fire Department can help support this. 

Past parents have recommended to have a form like the example included in the Google Doc at the bottom of this page titled "Safe Grad Transportation Form"

Fundraising / Grad Amounts

Once you have members, you will need to create a bank account. Typically, the previous graduation class leaves ~$1300 - 1500 to kickstart fundraising for the year. 


We recommend using a form of communication to help support your year. "Team Link" has been one used in the past, along with "Team Snap" which is different than SnapChat. 


The graduates typically make a second slideshow that compares baby pictures to their graduating picture. Staff typically review to make sure it is appropriate but this slideshow only plays at the Safe Grad / Dinner event. 

Dinner Tickets / Raffles

We recommend printing them or creating tickets and ask to use the school photocopier to cut down on official ticket cost. 

Safe Grad Ticket Order Form

To save some money, we recommend making a "Safe Grad Ticket Order Form". This is another suggestion by past parents so save funds from having to buy tickets. An example screen shot is include below the Dinner Ticket Example.

Safe Grad Transportation Form