Anthropogenic Ocean Tracers 人造物質-海洋示蹤劑


The natural 236U/238U in the ocean is very low. Since the 1940s, thermonuclear bomb tests, spent nuclear fuel, and nuclear power plant accidents injected large amounts of 236U into the ocean. The so-called "anthropogenic 236U" input to the surface ocean produced high 236U/238U ratios, making 236U/238U a sensitive tracer for ocean circulation and environmental safeguard monitoring. However, the 236U abundance is less than only one-billion-time smaller than the 238U. To detect the two isotopes simultaneously is challenging and only became possible about ten years ago using an accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) with power up to several million volts. The AMS requires a large sample size, long analytical time, and high overall cost, limiting its popularity. 

As the corresponding author and first author, my team and I accomplished an impossible scientific mission to establish a novel technique using a piece of commonly available instrumentation, a multi-collector high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICPMS). As a result, we can determine atomic 236U/238U ratios in samples with only femtograms of 236U.  The major interference, the abundance sensitivity of 238U tail at 236 atomic mass unit, is reduced from 10-6 to 10-10 with the retarding potential quadrupole lens. We also reduced and corrected for other interferences, including the polyatomic interferences from hydride, nitride, lead, and plutonium. In addition, we carefully evaluate the non-linear detector behavior. The breakthrough in measuring the difficult-to-get uranium isotope ratio (236U/238U) of an extremely small sample size for ocean water columns and coral core samples is expected to significantly progress modern oceanography and a new direction in ocean circulation research. The new method is also applicable to safeguard purposes for nuclear fuel/waste products.

Coral Reef Waters 珊瑚礁水化學

Taiwan's beautiful yet degrading coral reef ecosystems received much more attention in their biodiversity than in their water chemistry. An urgent need is to investigate the abiotic forcing, including the chemical compositions of the reef water, influencing the reef system to guide environmental management. Thus, I collaborated with coral ecologist Dr. Vianney Denis, advising his student to conduct the chemical analyses to combine with the community structures research for Taiwan's northeast coastal ecosystem (Hsiao et al., 2021). My lab has also made efforts to understand dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen biogeochemistry. Our research suggests that the organic components are more suitable than the inorganic nutrients in reflecting the changes in water quality (Lin et al. nearly ready for submission; Yen et al. in prep ).

Submarine Hydrothermal Systems 海底熱液系統

Submarine hydrothermal systems are unique settings that support living organisms via chemical energy. However, accessing the deep-sea vents is challenging, especially the hydrothermal fluids flowing deeply in the subbasement below the thick marine sediment. Therefore, collaborators and I modified sampling systems (Lin et al., 2020a) to collect high-quality samples for dissolved organic matter biogeochemical research (Lin et al., 2019a) and for primordial helium-3 degassing research (Lin et al., 2020b). Although shallow-hydrothermal vents are relatively easier to sample, it is difficult to process the hydrothermal fluid samples with complex matrixes for further analysis. Thus, we have modified an existing method to comprehensively survey the Kueishantao shallow hydrothermal vent H2S. In addition, we use the H2S dynamics to constrain the amount of sulfide energy available for living organisms in this system (Lin et al. in prep). 

Marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the largest fixed carbon pool in the ocean and is highly depleted in radiocarbon. Thus, DOC is inferred to be largely refractory to removal processes that operate less than millennial timescales. However, a growing number of reports have shown that a large fraction of marine DOC can be effectively removed during circulation through submarine hydrothermal systems. However, what is not clear is whether the DOC that remains in hydrothermal fluids is remnant non-reactive DOC from recharged seawater or DOC that has been largely produced in the subsurface.

Being the first and the corresponding author, our team provided the first, and a detailed discussion emphasized the importance of aromatic compounds observed by the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which may contribute to the depleted radiocarbon of the DOC. The main conclusion is that most DOC in ridge flank hydrothermal fluids results from the selective removal of seawater DOC, leaving behind isotopically depleted and non-reactive fractions. We included the Pacific warm ridge flank data, making the findings global when taken with the Atlantic data reported by Walter et al. 2018. Furthermore, we identified that isotopically enriched seawater DOC is removed in the hydrothermal flow paths, leaving isotopically depleted seawater DOC in basaltic basement fluids. Finally, we provided the first quantitative data demonstrating the net addition of aromatic compounds to crustal fluids, either through transformation and/or synthesis of aromatic compounds within the warm (65 °C) ridge-flank basaltic basement. Thus, chemolithoautotrophic or methanotrophic production in the subsurface is not a primary contributor to DOC within this system's deep crustal hydrothermal fluids.



遠離中洋脊,到了洋極側翼,玄武岩石冷卻釋放的潛熱,也可加熱在高孔隙岩層中的海底地下水(鹽水),為了研究探討這樣特殊的海洋環境,台大海洋研究所的林卉婷老師,在就讀博士班時與夏威夷團隊研發了自製的水下採樣系統,來採集高品質的海底地下水熱液樣品,發現即使是在深海岩層中的地下熱液系統,仍有多樣性的微生物生存。我們進行熱液組成,來探討熱液系統能夠提供給這個光不可及,養分貧瘠的岩石地下水圈,到底有多少的營養物質與能量物質可以維持這個海下岩層生物圈,並探討這個系統對海水組成分的影響。我們團隊也率先利用洋脊側翼岩層中的原始氦氣(primordial helium-3)逸散量來估算從地球內部逸散出的甲烷量,這些甲烷是可以支持熱液自營生態圈的化學物質之一。



Marine Instrumentation 海洋儀器精進 

Lin, H.-T.*, Hsieh, C. C., Repeta, D. J., Rappé, M. S. (2020) Sampling of basement fluids via Circulation Obviation Retrofit Kits (CORKs) for dissolved gases, fluid fixation at the seafloor, and the characterization of organic carbon. MethodsX, 7, 101033 (2-yr IF: 1.84).

The exploration of the chemoautotrophic hydrothermal ecosystems in the deep ocean requires precise sampling on the seafloor. Efficient usage of the human-occupied deep submersible vehicles (HOV) or the remotely operated vehicles (ROV) guarantees fruitful research cruises. It was an impossible challenge to collect hydrothermal fluids of high integrity up to tens of liters. The deep-sea sampling technique can be applied to extend our understanding of the deep-sea hydrothermal systems.

Being the leading role of the deep-sea sampling team and the first and corresponding author, I provide details of an HOV or ROV-assisted hydrothermal fluid sampling system. It featured a mobile pumping system (MPS) and included a fluid trap from which a gastight sampler can withdraw fluids. We also applied the MPS to demonstrate the value of fixing samples at the seafloor to determine redox-sensitive dissolved iron concentrations and speciation measurements. To make the best use of the deep-sea landers, we describe a miniature and mobile version of a named GeoMICROBE (MGM) sled, which permits rapid turn-over and is relatively easy for preparation and operation. MGM is capable of collecting fluid samples, filtering suspended particles, and extracting organic compounds. We validate this approach by demonstrating the seafloor extraction of hydrophobic organics from a large volume (247L) of hydrothermal fluids.

Testing the IONTU deep-sea lander in shallow water. Tina SCUBA dived to check the system. Photo credit: Hui-Su. 

Tina deployed a dark-light chamber at the Kenting National Park to measure the sedimentary respiration rates. It was supposed to be during a spawning event (April 20, 2022). during this time, the water at this depth (15 m) was too cold (26 oC) for them to spawn while the shallow water corals had spawned for a consecutive of five nights.