林卉婷 Huei-Ting (Tina) Lin



Associate Professor

Institute of Oceanography, NTU

Email: tinalinht@ntu.edu.tw






曾有過三次搭乘載人潛水艇ALVIN下潛到深海2600米深處進行深海熱液研究作業,號稱是台灣去過最多次深海海底的女性。目前累積研究船上出海天數169天(2022 八月),航跡到了太平洋的東北 Juan de Fuca 海域,也去過大西洋的中洋脊 North Pond。常常造訪台灣附近的龜山島海域,熟到就像是去自家後院的秘密花園般。



About the PI 

An ocean lover, a science advocate, and marine conservationist.  

I am an extremely curious person and thus have a wide range of research interests. My expertise is to use chemical method to explore the unknowns about the ocean and to speak for the ocean.  

Diving down with submersible ALVIN and conduct research several times on the seafloor 2600m below the sea surface marks the record for a Taiwanese female scientist. Up to now (July 2022), I have spent 169 days on research cruises, exploring the deep sea hydrothermal systems in the Northeast Pacific Ocean and the mid Atlantic Ridge. Here, in Taiwan, I routine visit the shallow hydrothermal vents near the Kueishantao (Turtle Island) as if it is a secret garden of my own backyard. 

I also have the luck to SCUBA dive and conduct surveys in Taiwan's beautiful coral reefs, including Dongsha Atoll National Park, Kenting National Park, Lyudao, Xiaoliuqiu, and Penghu. We investigate the dynamics of coral reef water quality, aiming to raise the public's awareness to care for the seawater quality as we care for the air quality.  

Research topics: marine chemistry, coral reef water quality, submarine hydrothermal system, ocean tracers

研究專員 Research specialist 

周於蓁 Yu-Chen (Jenny) Chou


Speciality: purification of actinides, MC-ICPMS analyses 


Jenny came well-trained by NTU's Distinguished Professor, Chuan-Chou (River) Shen. Her extremely patient personality helps tremendously in our uranium purification and making measurements with delicate mass spectrometry. She is also very good at mediation between Tina and her various tasks.

行政助理 Administrative assistant

唐孟瑜 Meng-Yu (Marcia) Tang



Meng-Yu is an environmental enthusiasts. She spends a lot of her time caring for the marine and terrestrial animals, supporting NPOs and NGOs with her effort. Her sincere support to our research and education projects helps a lot. Btw, she speaks very fluent Hokkien (a Taiwanese local dialect) and also understands some Japanese. 

研究生 Graduate students

大學部 Undergraduate students

黃詣涵 Eva Huang 

Undergraduate assistant 大專生研究助理

Amino acid analysis using HPLC 胺基酸分析

Eva loves to travel and has visited many places. She enjoys reading and excited to learn SCUBA dive to explore the ocean. She'll use her way to help the ocean. 熱愛旅行,喜歡文學,嚮往水下世界!期待詣涵未來繼續用她的角度幫忙海洋~


We welcome you to join us!

曾經指導過的學生們 Former Lab members

陳建銘 Jemmy Chen

”萬能王 The Mighty!“

M.S. project (graduated 2022)

海洋示蹤劑鈾236靈敏度Ocean tracer 236U

何苡寧 Yi-Ning Ho

M.S. project (graduated 2023)


珊瑚藻的用鐵需求Symbiodinium & iron 

溫婉彤 Angela Wen

M.S. project (graduated 2023)


古生產力重建Paleoproductivity (Opal)

楊朝源 Chou-Yuan Yang

M.S. project (graduated 2020)

古大氣海洋研究(石筍同位素 )




蕭菀謙 Victoria Hsiao 

珊瑚礁生態與環境關係 Coral reef ecology and the surrounding environment 


Now a Ph.D. student at the University of Leeds  

嚴語晨 Karen Yen


珊瑚礁水化學 Coral reef water chemistry 

郭晏寧  Yan-Ning Kuo


Air-sea interaction 


Now a Ph.D. student at the Cornell University 

(左1) 許靖妤,2023暑期學生 summer student

(左2) 嚴語晨,2020暑期學生 summer student

(中)林卉婷 Tina

右2) 廖子毅,2023專題生 undergraduate project

(右1) 吳岢倩2023 field course volunteer 珊瑚礁水化學課程野外小幫手